If you think Moon Karts is just a regular racing game, then you haven't really tried it yet! Here, it's not just speed that determines who wins, but planning and strategy play a fundamental role and you have to think carefully about every move, choose the right modifications for your kart, and know when to attack and when to defend. .
I wanted to know more which is a racing game. but with time and reading more posts and watching videos, but as for the cards, it may take longer to master them, but I have come a long way so far.
what's perfect than winning itself is the continuous development, every day there is something new to discover, whether it's a different way to play, improvements to your kart, or even strategies that make you stronger but in the development journey that makes you feel that you are learning and improving with every round.
In fact, I watched a group of videos of terrible challenges and races that are on the line, similar to a real battle.
On the blockchain on this platform that relies on cards, where you have a small Kart and start a race in space and you have many challenges through the turns and of course the competition with players, which makes the game one of the best Play2earn games and certainly and the Arcade Colony platform is very wonderful and has many features, including ease of use and good support and on it of course Moon Karts which is a racing game.
With time and practice, you can develop your kart, make profits, and enjoy the experience. The idea here is that the opportunity is available to everyone, and the important thing is that you start even with simple capabilities. In the Moon Karts market, you can start your journey at a lower cost, such as buying an Astrokart for about 15 cents only. This means that anyone has the opportunity to enter the game and try it without needing a large capital.
I went to https://arcadecolony.com/market and as I said above I have registered using my email and Hive keychain and It was so easy and in few seconds I have become a player in the amazing race game.
You can buy other cards such as Blaze and Vortex, as well as some engines and tires that you can use to improve the performance of your kart.
The game offers gold cards and rare cards such as Vortex and Arachno Eclipse, which can cost up to $600 or more. These cards come with stronger features and performance, and give you an advantage in races, whether in terms of speed or control.