Hive making a comeback after years of downward pressure.


Hive is moving up sharply today as bloggers return to the blockchain.

Finally we are seeing some incredible upward momentum in Hive as it crashes through the 20 cent barrier today.

This is very good news to long term Hive HODLers. It’s going to be a little choppy as the whales flop around a bit. But Good times are coming to those who stuck with the Hive Blockchain.

Hive Chart :

The long slow recovery has begun.

0.02947567 BEE

I feel much comfortable holding Hive Power than HBD!
(HBD Marketcap is currently 9.422 % of HIVE Marketcap)

0.00000000 BEE

Absolutely. HBD could fall to zero tomorrow. Hive Power is the place to be. I am selling my HBD as quickly as possible.

0.01306463 BEE

It was a nice incentive to bring HBD back to the chain off the exchanges, but at 15% HBD barely keeps up with inflation, and when BTC goes up that means the USD goes down, and I think there's more upside for Hive ahead. There's not that much Hive liquid.

0.00000000 BEE