Hive must drop below 0.08usd

Hive must drop below 0.08usd as users with more than 80,000usd of hive power bully smaller users with downvoting. They are garbage who do not know Noblesse Oblige. There is too much garbage in the hive ecosystem. They will all taste hell.

0.08676514 BEE


4.82737255 BEE


4.84955932 BEE


4.84448532 BEE


4.81654778 BEE

You were told multiply times to not steal photos buddy x)

0.00003342 BEE

People could start casting votes towards more liberal witnesses regarding the content of our blockchain.

Me and @perfilbrasil, for example.

0E-8 BEE

Liberal witnesses regarding the content of our blockchain... That sounds good and bad, great if the dictionary definition of liberal yet if the far left liberal that wants to censor the opinions of those not aligned... well... just curious

0E-8 BEE

Well, my definition of my position is closer to be a free-speech absolutist, as I believe that bad ideas should be fought with good ideas, not censored.

0E-8 BEE

my post today mirrors your concerns, I agree.

0E-8 BEE


Is that a prophecy?

0E-8 BEE