Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

The @ecotrain community always seem to amaze me with the topics been dropped for people in the platform to share their thoughts and ideas for every topic dropped in each week, it's really impressive and amazing to come across such community and I appreciate their efforts towards that.

The topic which says can spirituality and technology live together is such an interesting topic to deliberate on which in that aspect I will like to share my own idea towards it.

Technology has gone viral in the aspect of making life more easier and faster for we humans to live on. It has indeed solve problems that we humans in some points may find difficult in some areas to work in terms of communication, transportation, financial aspect and so many other things that requires technology being involved.

In the aspect of spirituality is the way of been in a spiritual state which will be totally different from most humans in terms of behavior and religious beliefs which is a strong belief to be closer to God by not engaging in ungodly things that is not acceptable by the heavenly father who is above every other things.

Spirituality can be seen or defined in different ways regardless of which ever way you may see it. But one thing is for sure is a way to be closer to God if you truly believe in him.

Can spirituality and technology live together

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Like I said earlier technology has gone viral which has made so many things easier for us to handle or engage in it. The world we live in today definitely shows that we can't live without technology and in that aspect one may ask how does spirituality and technology work together. Spirituality and technology can live together depending on where your faith is because as humans we are not meant to judge each other in terms of character or religious ways.

Technology have help to promote spirituality among we humans in terms of communication and useful information in the internet. Being spiritual also is a way of spreading love among each other and technology have also help in that aspect which we can access through our gadget like phones and laptops.

The aspect of maintaining that spirituality is not by going to churches or mosques but your good attitudes towards others. I am presently at the northern part of Nigeria in Kano state and where I reside in the area is 95% Muslim though am not a Muslim but nevertheless I access Gospel preaching and love information about God through the internet which in that aspect where I live we stay in peace and harmony because of the world love been shared and displayed among each other.

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Spirituality and technology will definitely live together and it has already been depending on where you faith is, in which no matter what, you can't run away from it because the era we are now we can't do without technology and it's also another way of spreading love and showing goods deeds to others which I see as been spiritual in some aspect.

No doubt there's the negative part of technology and also the negative part of being spiritual but to make the two work together we need to show the positive part about it to make the world a better place to live.

Which is why I appreciate this question dropped for the week because each answer that will be dropped by every individual in the platform has already link the two together by discussing about spirituality through technology with their ideas and thoughts about it which is awesome.

I believe spirituality and technology can work together and it can spread love among each other around the world to make it a better place and peaceful place among every individuals to live in.

0.03223344 BEE

I think the scientific have the effects on spirituality, nice write up

0.00968120 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You have a a good point. Thanks for sharing your ideas

0.00957309 BEE

Thanks for stopping by as well

0E-8 BEE

Well said, technology (as in the internet and all that digital world) can help anyone reach their spiritual needs that fit their beliefs!

0.00097397 BEE

Which I believe is true

0.00016162 BEE


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