"Sing" is a 2016 American animated musical comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment. Featuring an entertaining story and great voice acting, the film is mainly aimed at children but general audiences can enjoy it as well. Here's a comprehensive review of the film, including the story and performances:
The film takes place in a world of smart and lively cartoon animals. Backstage, this world runs a major singing competition called "Sing". The action takes place in a city with a diverse community of animals, run by a backstage bumbling backstage serpent.
The characters introduced in the film are diverse and include an elephant, a mother elephant and her stubborn teenage daughter, a broken-down koala who owns a theater facing bankruptcy, a young mouse with big ambitions, a working mother pig trying to feed her family, and a young gorilla who struggles with a criminal group trying to exploit her musical talents. .
The stories of these different characters intertwine as part of the competition, resulting in a series of comedic and poignant situations. The film highlights values such as determination, cooperation, friendship, and the importance of following your dreams.
“Sing” features outstanding voice acting, with the voice actors giving great performances that enhance their characters and make the story more interesting. The voice cast includes stars like Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Tori Kelly, Taran Killam, Risa, John C. Reilly, Scarlett Johansson, and more.
The voice actors were able to embody their characters excellently, and successfully conveyed the different emotions and personalities in the film, adding additional depth to the story and increasing the audience's potential to empathize with the characters.
In short, “Sing” is a fun and moving film that creatively combines comedy and music, presenting a story that inspires and touches the audience’s hearts. It is suitable for families, children, and anyone looking for an inspiring story with great voice acting.