Kip and Lafawnduh: The Ultimate Movie Wedding



Few movies in the last 50 years have been as inventive, quirky, and creative as Napoleon Dynamite and those exact characteristics of this heartwarming film are culminated in the ending wedding scene between Kip and Lafawnduh! The romance of these two unlikely soul mates was a secondary story within the movie, but it captured the hearts of so many of the fans of the movie.


In my opinion the highlight of the wedding is not the lead character, Napoleon, arriving on a white stallion but the deeply poetic and romantic song that Kip writes and performs for his lovely bride. The depths of their love for each other is perfectly exemplified in this moving ballad and you know from the passion of this true love song that their love is destined for an eternity and it gives us hope for humanity and the world!

This epic love story started with the humblest of beginnings as these two star-crossed lovers from completely different worlds collided like a supernova within an internet chat room. Their love began to flourish as brilliantly has a raging forest fire. Their undying love is further solidified when Lafawnduh visits Kip in his small town and they tour the local scene as they began to bare their souls to one another on their journey towards romantic bliss.

Kip, the once reserved individual, begins to blossom in his fashion sense and philosophy on life due to the supportive influence that Lafawnduh has upon him. Kip finally finds the man within him he was always destined to be and he has his soul mate to thank. This whirlwind romance reaches its pinnacle when the two are joined as one before their family and friends to declare their everlasting adoration for one another!


Who's in the mood for some #romance? There are plenty of #movies out there that have a #wedding in it, so you should be able to pick at least one!

Tell us about your favorite movie with a wedding in it, please! Share it on #Hive #Wedding #Web3

— (@CineTv_io) March 19, 2022



All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost



0.94318530 BEE

This is such an interesting wedding choice. You make a very compelling case. I love Napoleon Dynamite!

0.00000392 BEE

I love it too and I felt no one had really expressed how deep their love was! lololol Thanks for commenting!

0E-8 BEE

What's that old saying about opposites attract? This is a great film that I need to watch again, I haven't seen it in years.

I wonder how they're doing these days? The flame is still burning bright I know it.

0.00000391 BEE

They are absolutely still passionately in love and I'm sure they have a few Kip, Jr.s running around! lololol

0.00053197 BEE

I haven't seen the particular movie, but I was deeply touched by the way you describe it.
I will put it in my watch-list!


0.00000389 BEE

Well, it was more of an ironic retelling of an extremely funny side plot from the movie, but I couldn't help myself...lololol

0E-8 BEE
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