CineTV Community Newspaper | October | 2023


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October is already behind us. The last two months of 2023 start today, and depending on which part of the world you live in, you live in Spring, or like me, in Autumn. For us, in the Northern Hemispheres, autumn is in full swing. That of course means a lot of rain, strong winds, and temperatures that drop significantly. Days when daylight is getting shorter and days when all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch a movie or series. Cozy by the candlelight, alone, or with your pet or partner. The time when, for many people, outdoor activities, which you should certainly not forget, become less important and when you want to make it cozy indoors.

And time for me to write the monthly newspaper for the CineTV Community. When it comes to community news, there is not much to say. We are doing our thing and at the moment that mainly means working on ideas behind the scenes and hoping for better times. Read that like this: wait until the bull run is here so that funds become available again to continue with developments. As much as we would like it to be different, it is what it is now, and we will have to accept it very reluctantly for what it is. Rest assured, though, because the ideas are solid, and our vision for what we want to achieve with CineTV is rock solid.

The contest still runs every week, and last week the theme was "Your favorite movie with a robot". Did you participate this week or are you, like me, less interested in films with robots? I don't know, but for some reason, I'm just not that crazy about robots, I think there is too much robotization in society. The human aspects are disappearing rapidly. Nah, hopefully, you're less bothered by these kinds of thoughts... Anyway, if you haven't participated yet and have a favorite robot movie, don't hesitate and submit your entry in the contest! But hurry! Today is the last day you can participate!

  • The submission deadline is 1th November, 2023, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

If you're ready for a little break now, grab a cup of coffee and go into the relax mode. Enjoy even more of that juicy Hollywood gossip.

  • The most talked about Hollywood news this week will undoubtedly have been the death of Matthew Perry. The actor who played the role of Chandler Bing in the series "Friends" for 10 seasons has left a big hole with his death. He was only allowed to live to be 54 years old. During his life, Matthew struggled with major addictions to alcohol and drugs, and in that respect an early death is not surprising. But was that also the cause? At this time nothing is known about his cause of death, but what we do know is that he will be terribly missed by many.

  • Kody Brown is of course much talked about, and everyone probably has an opinion about him. Let's make it safe to say that Kody is not the most average guy you can meet when it comes to dealing with women and love. And in that regard, Meri has released a painful memory. It turns out that their entire marriage was based on a lie, the promise of love. While now it turns out that Kody never loved her. The entire time they were married, he was just trying to confirm to himself that he loved Meri. The most painful thing is that he told this to Meri on their anniversary. If that's not enough to make you happy that you're free of him, I don't know what is.

  • And what about the following? Almost a year after Harry's all-revealing book, "Spare", it now seems that an answer will come from an unexpected source. Harry and Meghan could quietly throw their words out into the world all this time because they could be almost certain that the family would not react to this. But they did not take Kate's family into account. And it now seems that an answer will come from that corner with another "all-revealing book". Apparently, Harry and Meghan are quite dreading this expected book. Are you also curious?

We keep watching all the films that come out this year, after all, that is what the CINETV community is for. I will try to show as many different genres as possible. Hopefully, there's something to your taste and you'll find a new movie for your "To Watch" list. Get ready for some trailers below!


I don't need to say much about Sylvester Stallone. Everyone knows him, and everyone knows that this actor has been around for quite some time, but do you really know everything? Or do you think you know everything? This documentary focuses on the person behind the actor, his whys and hows.


Two ex-lovers get snowed in together and the sparkle revives. Is this a coincidence or is there something completely different going on here?


And this month, as a warm-up for the upcoming Christmas season, there are of course Christmas films. Time to bring romance into your home with a few films that ooze romance.

We like to point out the following note about plagiarism!

We have an entire team dedicated to finding AND reporting plagiarism and abuse. And be warned, we NEVER will tolerate plagiarized blogs. Not in plagiarized words, nor images!

We have seen some really great posts that failed to source their pictures, and so we were not able to curate them properly. Remember to only post YOUR OWN words and to properly source the photos that you use that are not your own.

Plagiarism is THEFT and has no place in our CineTV family!

Don't forget that you can subscribe to this newspaper by simply letting us know in a comment. If you want to cancel the subscription, you can do so in the same simple way.

And with that, this week's newspaper has come to an end. We hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next week with a new newspaper! If you find this newspaper and want to chat about movies and TV with us, feel free to join is in our DISCORD

Thanks...we love you all!

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Tagging for subscription: @stickupboys, @raymondspeaks, @mel010100-cinetv

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not Christmas films yet...come on!

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I was devastated when I learned Chandler had just passed away. On the same day, our Malaysian actor also passed away. R.I.P. Mathews Perry You have the "FRIENDS" in me...

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