Withdrawing cash form an ATM abroad is super expensive. This is how much I paid in Budapest.


Bargeld von einem ATM im Budapest abzuheben, ist extrem teuer.

Das liegt zum einen daran, dass Ungarn (noch) nicht den Euro eingeführt hat, sondern bei seiner eigenen nationale Währung, Forint (HUF), geblieben ist. Zum anderen sind Bargeldabhebungen im Ausland generell sehr teuer.

Bei den ATMs in Budapest muss man auf zwei Dinge achten, erstens auf den Wechselkurs und auf die Gebühr.

Meistens bekommt man einen viel schlechteren Wechselkurs angeboten. Der Spread beträgt bei manchem ATMs 14%. Das ist heftig.

Der Vergleich lohnt sich. Der offizielle Wechselkurs war 415 HUF / EUR.

Habe einen Automaten gefunden der "nur" eine 7%-Gebühr verrechnet und für 1 EUR 387.7922 HUF angeboten hat, das war einer der besseren ATMs. Nur eine 7% Gebühr.

Weiters muss man bei der Abhebung und auch bei Zahlungen generell darauf achten, welche Bank die Umrechnung durchführt, d.h. ob der Betrag in Euro oder Forint vom eigenen Konto abgebucht wird.

Habe den Betrag in Forint abgehoben, der Wechselkurs lag dann bei 407.14166, was ein besserer Kurs war, aber es kam dann noch eine fixe 2 Euro Umrechnungsgebühr hinzu.

Zum Vergleich hat ein Freund die andere Option getestet (Abhebung in Euro, Umrechnung durch die ungarische Bank) und ist damit sogar ein bisschen besser ausgestiegen.

Bei kleinen Beträgen (25 Euro) betrug die effektive Gebühr etwa 10% für die Abhebung.

Was sagt ihr dazu? Warum sind Bargeldabhebungen innerhalb der EU so teuer?

ATM in Budapest, Hungary


Withdrawing cash from an ATM in Budapest is super expensive.

One reason for this is that Hungary has not introduced the Euro (yet), but has kept its own national currency, the Forint (HUF). Secondly, cash withdrawals abroad are in general very expensive.

There are two things to watch out for at ATMs in Budapest: firstly, the exchange rate and the fee.

You are usually offered a much worse exchange rate at ATMs. The spread at some ATMs is 14%. That is hefty.

The comparison is worthwhile. The official exchange rate was 415 HUF / EUR.

I found an ATM that “only” charged a 7% fee and offered 387.7922 HUF for 1 EUR, which was one of the better ATMs. Only a 7% fee.

Furthermore, when making withdrawals and payments in general, you have to pay attention to which bank carries out the conversion, i.e. whether the amount is debited from your own account in euros or forints.

I withdrew the amount in forints, the exchange rate was then 407.14166, which was a better rate, but there was also a fixed 2 euro conversion fee.

For comparison, a friend tested the other option (withdrawal in euros, conversion by the Hungarian bank) and actually came out a little better.

For small amounts (25 euros), the effective fee was around 10% for the withdrawal.

What do you think? Why are cash withdrawals within the EU so expensive?

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1.16421052 BEE

I have a Canadian card and use ATM in Austria. I take out the max of € 400,- whenever I need cash, and my Canadian bank charges me CA$ 5,- that translates to € 3,36.
Inevitable for me, because most of my income is from Canada, deposited to my Canadian bank.

0.00281406 BEE

Für mich ist die Antwort hier einfach, weil die Banken daran gut verdienen. 😉

0.00270982 BEE

Doh.. that IS harsh. Can u get some crypto debit card and pay that way? 😎🤙

0.00276086 BEE

Sie bauen halt darauf, dass du keine andere Wahl hast an vielen Stellen. Und dann die "unabgesprochenen" also durch "Marktbeobachtungen" entstandenen fast gleichen Preise stellen sicher, dass keiner wirklich merklich günstiger ist. Kapitalismus. Haben wir so bestellt, wird seit '89 so gegessen. 😘

0.00275021 BEE

That is insane! That's a huge difference between ATM's. I think the difference comes down to greed in the end. They charge more because they can. Of course there may be more regulatory fees, but they all pay those... Possibly machine cost? Or just plain greed?

0.00267755 BEE

Euronet is the shittiest ATM provider, and whoever travels, knows that :)

There's a reason they can afford placing their ATMs at the most touristy spots everywhere.

Use Revolut, and withdraw in local currency from local banks' ATMs.

0.00266858 BEE

"You're absolutely right! Euronet ATMs usually have high fees and poor exchange rates, so it's best to avoid them in touristy areas. Revolut is definitely a great alternative, allowing you to withdraw money easily from local bank ATMs."


Did you just copy paste an AI generated response? Even with its quotation marks?

I know I am right, I travel a lot :)


Exactly the ATMs in the city center are a money grab, especially the most prominently placed.

0.00000626 BEE

Gibt es nicht Karten, die mit günstigen Auslandsabhebungen werben? 10 % sind schon ziemlich heftig!

0.00267505 BEE

Ouch, that stings.

0.00266682 BEE

yea take cash abroad always expensive, usually i bring all money i might need from home to avoid withdrawal away

0.00267081 BEE

Maybe it's to discourage people from using cash... Honestly, I cannot remember when was the last time I used an ATM, here in Romania or abroad... I know relying on cards it's not a good thing, but it's so much more convenient...
Spent a few days in Spain with barely any cash... the only problem was with a street musician who was outraged we only had two coins to offer:)

0.00266130 BEE

7% ist heftig.
Gabs da keine Exchanges? Hätte jetzt gedacht, das es dabei auch genügend gibt, wo man es hätte tauschen können.

In Serbien habe ich mit meiner Nexo großteils bezahlt und fast den gleichen Kurs gehabt wie beim besten Exchange den ich gefunden hatte.

Da gabs auch Unterschiede von 2-3% bei den Exchanges, einer hatte fast einen so schlechten Kurs wie der andere beim Rückkauf.

0.00265776 BEE

What a shame! Thank goodness we can pay in crypto in many places.

0.00265482 BEE
0.00143436 BEE

"This is such an important point! Many people aren't aware of ATM fees and poor exchange rates when traveling abroad, which can add up to a significant extra cost. Especially when a country keeps its own currency, these issues become even more prominent. It's crucial to compare options before making any transactions. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!"


Why will you be charged 7%? That’s too high

0E-8 BEE

That’s too high
So if I withdraw $100, they will take charge of $7?
That’s too much

0E-8 BEE

The charges is crazy
That’s high

0E-8 BEE

wow that is high. thankfully we use credit card when traveling abroad.

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

I think it has always been expensive to use ATMs in a different countries. I think it's more because of the banks in the middle. It might be easier if you went to a bank you had an account with, but that is why I try to make sure that I exchange what I need before I go.

0E-8 BEE

Eine andere Option ist in der Heimat EUR in HUF zu wechseln; manchmal lohnt sich das auch.
Ansonsten finde ich es gut, dass Ungarn die eigene Währung hat. Auf EUR umzusteigen ist keine gute Idee.

0E-8 BEE

cash withdrawals within Asia are so less. 2.5% and around it. European governments seem to earn a lot of income from the banking sector through taxes.

0E-8 BEE

Wow that is actually so expensive

0E-8 BEE