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RE: The Law of Attraction On Hive

I haven't seen Jerry McGuire yet, even though I own it on DVD. Isn't the Tom Cruise character known for saying these 2 things in this movie?

  • "Show me the money!"
  • "Help me help you."

These seem contradictory coming from the same character, but it may make more sense after seeing the movie.

I bring up these quotes because they seem to represent what we find here as represented by many Hivers we find. Many of them just may not realize what they have here; others are just who they are and that's that.

If we're used to seeing things as zero-sum situations-- Win-Lose situations-- then there's no incentive to produce if we risk losing. So we need to switch to views which allow us to see Win-Win situations which let everyone involved move forward as winners, even if it's by 0.001 HP at a time.

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That's just it...the win-lost mentality should be so far away from what we experience here on the chain. It should be win, and everyone wins.

0E-8 BEE