The Law of Attraction On Hive


One of the more enjoyable experiences I have in my personal growth journey is when I look back to the books I've read and what I've learned over the years. Thankfully, this is quite easy to do when you journal absolutely everything along your journey...

One of my favorite authors is John C. Maxwell.

He's what I consider the top of the food chain when it comes to leadership and just an amazing person to learn from. I spent a few minutes today re-reading some notes I took down from a few books he wrote and found this quote...

"When you change your thinking from "What am I going to receive?" to "What am I going to give?" Your entire life begins to turn around..."

It kind of speaks to us here on Hive huh?

Far too many times we jump into this crypto stuff especially in true Web3 like this blockchain and have a game plan to 'receive' rewards.

We want to stack. We want to accumulate. We want to grow our assets!

And there is nothing wrong with that, but how we approach it is what I wanted to discuss today with you.

How can we 'attract' what we want here on the blockchain?

Well look at that quote and the answer is right there....

What am I going to give?

I'm hardly what you would call a big believer in the 'law of attraction'. I don't believe we can sit around and just 'think' about building big stacks of crypto and it'll just happen. Oh you didn't get what you were thinking about, THINK HARDER!!!!

I do however believe that if we are intentional and put our thoughts into actions, big things can happen.

Not wishy washy effort though, I'm talking about giving this community and this blockchain your all!

Try starting your day with some questions like....

  • What am I going to give to add value to Hive?

  • What am I going to give to build relationships with others?

  • What am I going to give to support amazing projects and people?

And then the 'law of attraction' starts to reveal itself...You attract amazing things because you are putting out...Amazing things!

You are more interested in giving than receiving....

See how this works?

If you are spending your time on the blockchain complaining about the price of Hive, how unfair it is that the whales get all the votes or how much the DHF doesn't support your favorite proposal....Guess what you will attract?

Sure, you might get lucky...You may get a few crumbs here and there but generally, your time here will be misreable!

This isn't even some pseudo-science mumbo jumbo either, this is human nature...People want to do business with those they know, like and trust. So your job here on the blockchain is to get people to know, like and trust you.

You do that by intentionally adding value to others.

And if you spend your time on the chain whining, most people will ignore you and those that do engage with you are glad whatever you are whining about, isn't happening to them.

What am I going to give?

Put that out in the community, show up and see what happens...

You might be blown away at the results in a few months from now!


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1.16401207 BEE

Seconded! I move that this mindset be adopted by everyone in the universe. All in favor say "Hell yeah!" and this meeting will adjourn. !LOL

Thanks for sharing, @jongolson... I enjoyed reading this. 🙏


0.00250608 BEE

Why didn’t the teddy bear want dessert?
He was stuffed.

Credit: reddit
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @thatcryptodave
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

0E-8 BEE

ha ha ha ha and hell ya! lol

0.00007840 BEE

Thank you for this and for the questions, they certainly make one think deeply. We do have to be intentional about what we give and the rest follows :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00272410 BEE

it really does work out. no whining. no complaining. good things happen.

0E-8 BEE

True that, I can attest to it :)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

People want to do business with those they know, like and trust. So your job here on the blockchain is to get people to know, like and trust you.

This should be on a billboard. 🎯

I use to think of how unfair it is but if i were in their shoes, I would also do business with who I know and TRUST.
It’s all about making them know, like and trust you indeed.

0.00272048 BEE

it’s the secret weapon for success i think. just make yourself someone that people wanna be around and do business with. amazing things happen.

0E-8 BEE

Definitely. Any tips though?

0E-8 BEE

Not wishy washy effort though, I'm talking about giving this community and this blockchain your all!

Try starting your day with some questions like....

  • What am I going to give to add value to Hive?

Value is in the eye of the beholder. As we engage with others, we may find ourselves offering ideas or suggestions which may make sense to us but could be impractical to the person asking for them. Or we may make a throwaway comment which turns out to be the seed for an amazing idea. Much of the time, we don't know which is which. All we can do is offer what we can and see where things go from there.

  • What am I going to give to build relationships with others?

No one here has all the answers, but many have experiences to share. Sometimes people are stuck in a certain mindset, and we need to offer a viewpoint that's a few degrees off in order to present other possibilities or considerations. Sometimes the questions we ask are more important than the answers we can give if only because the extra questions may lead to a more fruitful harvest or productive output.

As we engage with others we assist as best as we can. This assistance can take various forms, but it doesn't happen without engagement.

  • What am I going to give to support amazing projects and people?

Some of us can give skills in order to bring a project closer to reality.

If we don't have the skills to do that, we can give time to the project to assist in ways better suited to us.

If we don't have the time, we can delegate some of our stakes (HP or staked Layer 2 tokens).

If we can't delegate, we can engage with others for the purpose of promoting a project through our comments and postings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00264015 BEE

Love the answers and the whole idea of work with what we have...It's value to someone!

0E-8 BEE


I loved this entire post. I see people who are out there all day, curating, voting adding positivity, getting attacked by those who no one has met yet. *cause they aren't that active

complaining about the success of those who are pouring their heart and soul in.

It's weird, but it isn't different.

I love that you brought up the power of attraction, and owning that you give what you get and get what you give.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00263995 BEE

Yeah I dont get it. I truly believe, everyone can win here and it's basically created to help others win. Nothing but opportunity here if you embrace it and stay away from the negativity.

Thanks for stopping by WU!

0.00001291 BEE

Well for the most part you can trace 99 percent of the drama back to about 12-20 people, it's super easy to avoid.

The more I avoid it, the less I notice it is there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00264310 BEE

I haven't seen Jerry McGuire yet, even though I own it on DVD. Isn't the Tom Cruise character known for saying these 2 things in this movie?

  • "Show me the money!"
  • "Help me help you."

These seem contradictory coming from the same character, but it may make more sense after seeing the movie.

I bring up these quotes because they seem to represent what we find here as represented by many Hivers we find. Many of them just may not realize what they have here; others are just who they are and that's that.

If we're used to seeing things as zero-sum situations-- Win-Lose situations-- then there's no incentive to produce if we risk losing. So we need to switch to views which allow us to see Win-Win situations which let everyone involved move forward as winners, even if it's by 0.001 HP at a time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00264521 BEE

Clowns add tons of value so I'm safe on that front :P

0.00264092 BEE

ha ha ha nothing but facts!!

0E-8 BEE

bring on the positivity and value. forget the negativity.

Also eat more !PIZZA HAHA

0.00263667 BEE

Appreciate you man, you live by example!!

0E-8 BEE

Great inspiring advice! I will try to apply that each day.

0.00218341 BEE

thanks for the comments sir.

0E-8 BEE

That's a good perspective to have. Give it your all and see what happens. Stacking and accumulating assests is a byproduct of the value you give. Give more than you take and you'll receive more than you expect :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00218166 BEE

yup!! absolutely true. your account is a byproduct of the value you give here.

0E-8 BEE

Apart from the "Law of Attraction" you would also find spiritual side of this. Where you can see that "you did what you could do" and rest the burden is on the Universe or god whichever you follow. This kind of puts your mind out of stress and focuses you onto things you can contribute into. I feel that is what the Hive is about too. You just do what you can and let the things fall into the place.

0.00216254 BEE

law of attraction does come from the bible ;)

proverbs 23:7

0.00005341 BEE

Great article - definitely one to keep returning to as a reminder - have bookmarked!

Thank you!

0.00213533 BEE

awesome to hear it. glad you enjoyed it.

2.4E-7 BEE

Fantastic thoughts and advice there Jon, and I know for a fact they really do work, thanks for sharing and stay awesome.

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- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

This post is AWESOME!
It will therefore be highlighted in our daily Curated Collections posting for today.
The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


0.00200571 BEE

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

0E-8 BEE

Appreciate it man, thanks for stopping by!

0.00031170 BEE

Keep up your great work Jon.

Made in Canva

- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

0E-8 BEE

Givers get.

It is a core motto of network marketing groups that pass business among them.

The same holds true on Hive.

0.00212561 BEE

across so many industries. it seems to work ;)

0E-8 BEE

I will love to see that results am already anticipating.


0.00210551 BEE

it’s amazing what happens to your account in a few years from now.

0E-8 BEE

True, I expect much.

0E-8 BEE

I keep doing that everyday and have been for the last 2 years with trying to build multiple communities and projects, so I am trying to keep that faith every day. But, it gets real hard to stay positive when you have worked your ever loving ass off for everyone else, trying to put that good energy out in the world, and yet still can't get ahead... But I am still here trying every day, don't have much of a choice at this point, lol. Got all my money tied up here, lol.

0.00213019 BEE

that old meme of the guy digging for gold…but gives up just before he strikes it. trust me man, the journey is worth the effort. small wins stack up.

0.00603439 BEE

Just as I was saying that, I ended up slamming some BTC shorts for some profit and got hit up by guiltyparties on getting Hivelist on the main Hive site! It'll be all good, we will all get through it. Just need prices to go back up, lol.

0E-8 BEE

You are completely correct. People must be more concerned with their contribution in order to contribute to the creation of a better ecosystem. Our varied efforts will undoubtedly contribute to the creation of a worthwhile blockchain for all of us. Thank you very much @jongolson .

0.00205826 BEE

exactly that. this is a community blockchain which means we build it like we want it to be.

0E-8 BEE

I like it, but what if I'm feeling really discouraged about most things in life and honestly don't have much to give? I feel lost lately...

0.00200050 BEE

be thankful. most people will give up when times get rough. this is when we stick to it. and keep showing up.

0.00000871 BEE

True. I've just been beating myself up in my head too much lately. Just struggling with feeling inadequate/stuck in life, and just generally frustrated with social/political stuff... I've been mulling over putting my thoughts down in writing but I'm not sure where to start 😅

0E-8 BEE
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0E-8 BEE


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0E-8 BEE

Value is different for each person but I think the increased engagement is great to help Hive as a social blockchain. However, I still think it's not enough to attract the general masses until we get more people on the blockchain. This means more application and a higher user-base.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

One of the best posts I have read recently! This is great advice and goes for really everything in life. You get what you give. Thanks for this reminder Jon!

0E-8 BEE