How Does A Blockchain Lose People?


Middle of the week which means...

Jongo was thumbing through his old journals!

I enjoy doing this every week because not only does it give me ideas on what to write about, but I also have these 'ah ha' moments in the process.

Take for example, this image I printed out and stuck in my journal back in 2016...


Now, this makes a ton of sense when it comes to keeping members happy.

No brainer right? Make your customers feel valued!

And personally, that's something I've always wanted to concentrate on with all our online businesses. When people feel a part of something they end up sticking around. But there's a much more human element to this. When people don't feel valued, they gravitate to where they do feel valued.

And that doesn't mean we need to 'cuddle' our members, but value is driven to communities by...You guessed it, members that feel valued!

Now we are about to do a flip...

I want to go through each of these points above, and frame it on a blockchain level. Do we see the same reasons why members leave Hive? And is there something we can do to make every member of the blockchain feel more valued?

Natural attrition - Simply put, this is part of reality of doing business or building anything online. A chunk of people just don't show up anymore no matter what you do. I don't think you can ever fight this, because some people are likely to sign up for something and move onto new things that grab their attention.

Lured to a competitor by a friend - Not a ton of examples of this in crypto because, there's nothing like Hive. But we've seen it happen here by members of the Blurt community. They took their toys and left the sandbox, and brought a few of us with them in the process. That comes down to relationships I think, if you have a strong community feel with certain people, they will follow.

Because of price - Green candles man, this is crypto lol That's something we can all agree on, people like the shiny objects in crypto that are in the green...Nothing we can do about that except keep buying Hive and powering it up lol

Dissatisfied with your product or service - Some people are VERY loud on social media about how much they hate down votes on Hive. Some people can't stand that they aren't getting upvotes. Some people are just grumpy. You will never be able to satisfy everyone.

Because...They don't feel valued - This goes without saying and I mentioned it above but how do we fix this....?

Here's what I try to do and I think we all can help out and chip in...

  1. When someone shows up on your blog and writes a thoughtful comment, reply! I personally upvote people too but my goodness, the least we can do is reply to their comment. I'm not saying we should reply to the 'dear ser, love post' comments, but if a member of Hive drops a good comment...Reply!

  2. If that same person keeps showing up on your blog, follow them and start engaging with them more! I know personally, this is something I HAVE to do more of! I remember when I first showed up on the blockchain and would comment all the time on a certain members' blog. Did he start following me right away? Nope but when he did, it made me work that much harder because it felt good to be recognized. We can do that for others!

  3. Support the work apps are doing! I'm not saying we have to use each one religiously, however speaking from our company's perspective, it feels feels really good when people start using our apps. Makes the effort and work, so worth it!

And I'm sure there's other things that we can do but this is what it comes down to...

Behind the usernames, are people. And people WANT to feel valued. If we do that more, we then highlight Hive's greatest asset...It's community!


2.99636296 BEE

Hi Jon, just before your tweet where you put the link to this post I read a poll from another hiver who asks if we are content creators, we consume content or we don't know anything about Hive.

I truly believe that as hivers we should be both consumers and creators as that is the basis of Hive.

As you mention it is very important to reply to organic comments on our posts, for my part I use !PIZZA to reward interaction but there are many more ways like WINE, BEER, even CTP I think those options are very good.

On the other hand I also have another project of curation and donations in liquid Hive for those publications that seem to me undervalued or that already passed the curve of 24 hours of curation and are unlikely to be voted. I do that with my @gr33nsquad account which I also use to collect donations from Hive game projects and give prizes in my live streams, I think I'm doing my part or at least everything in my power to value everyone I meet in this Hive adventure.


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0.02662775 BEE

I truly believe that as hivers we should be both consumers and creators as that is the basis of Hive.

I think this is so important for everyone. And creating may not be in the form of blog posts, but can be in comments, app development, etc.


0.00000901 BEE

Hahaha, this was very funny as well as educative, personally I do think, people are the problem sometimes. The value of hive is never in doubt unless a grumpy person decides to discreet it because of emotional blackmail. We have the product here and it might not be shiny but it's solid. As per relationship with people on the social aspect, I expect people to do better, socializing isn't difficult, some people just choose not to.

0.00534358 BEE

I think many don’t understand the importance of or meaning of “community”. When I first got here too I didn’t get it. And I felt things were just hard

0.00057955 BEE

Community is important, everyone has inbuilt social skills, sometimes we just choose not to develop them, especially when we think it's not worth it.. the ability to communicate is the baseline for solidity on hive. Hive's social space is the easiest in any web version, sincerely..

0E-8 BEE

It might not be shiny, it's solid...Absolutely man! And I think the shiny stuff can always be fixed, but without that foundation, it'll crumble!


0E-8 BEE

Talking about Hive specifically here, social media people use it for fun, or at least quick and thoughtless and between the high standards, and authoritarian rules it often starts to feel like work instead of fun.

It helps us attract and also lose some very specific users. Busy middle income people don't have time to build an audience and don't have or need the patience to put up with the politics.

People who consider themselves authors will stay, because they love to write, but we certainly do limit our marketable base, by making it hard.

I know threads is coming and might normalize things a bit, but until threads I consider Hive more of an "Author" platform than social media. Social Media doesn't force people to write little essay style posts in order to engage and discuss a topic

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0.00043337 BEE

It's mind blowing to me how the powers that be haven't understood that yet.

Hive needs things like Threads that aren't meant to win Pulitzers. So aggravating when you see the potential this place can have but you are right, until the purists lighten up...Oh boy


0.00000608 BEE

I think some of the largest whales aren't fans of the social side, and just don't care about it one way or the other.

There has often been a push to remove any Hive rewards and they don't see it as a viable way to grow the value of Hive, which in their mind is a utility token.

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0E-8 BEE

You're basically highlighting the fact majority online are, consumers. Creating content, anywhere, is hard, and often considered to be a form a work. Most people are not content creators. For instance, most people on Youtube are not there to spend several hours per day producing a video. They are there to spend several hours per day watching videos.

Most people at the book store (online or on the street) are not authors, yet the business thrives.

By far one of the most normal things we got going on here are content creators choosing to work and create quality content. That content is intended to be, consumed. Without that content and people actually wanting to, work, there are no consumers.

Content creators on Youtube often talk about how much they enjoy working hard to create quality content for their consumers. People here on Hive wanting to work hard and set the bar high, are not doing something wrong. That is not a flaw in design.

Thinking the content consumer and content creator should be on an even playing field somehow simply does not make any sense. How this platform rewards consumers though should be highlighted. Yes, some people work hard and want to create something others can't. That does not put the consumers at a disadvantage though if they are consuming what caught their attention naturally, as they do, all while being afforded the opportunity to earn, some, as well. That element is what sets this apart from other social platforms, where the consumers gets nothing but device addiction and a sore ass from sitting all day.

0.00001940 BEE

Over the years, I've seen you make this point many times, and it's a good place to evolve to, where the best content creators earn most of the rewards, and I can't disagree.

Personally, I think that would happen naturally with less interference and more volume.

Also supporting your view point is curation rewards, which does incentivize (in theory) consuming and rewarding content.

I don't think we have opposing positions, youtube also allows casual users and those who are still practicing content creation to post and it evolved over many years, I was on early youtube when much of the interaction was people creating videos for other users and the responses.

I agree with your statement, but also think it takes time to get to that vision.

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0.00000356 BEE

Feel valued. Absolutely. I have to agree with everything you said.

Maybe more education that getting the feeling sometimes takes time.

Education that you have to stick with it.

I wrote about today how I could have easily felt not valued but had to realize it was me.




0.00036582 BEE

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (1/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

0E-8 BEE

@jongolson! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

0E-8 BEE

Yeah man, this is an uphill climb for sure...First you need to learn the tech, the apps and then the culture.


0.00171209 BEE

But it is worth it. That needs to be taught.

0E-8 BEE

Wow, that is pretty powerful. I think we are still pretty small and we aren't really seeing the potential of what this place can be. I can imagine maybe five years down the road when tons of people are here and there are tons of individual communities that are thriving, that is when people will really feel valued. People will have a home here and everything else will be just noise. That's my thinking anyway.

0.00037463 BEE

For sure, I always seem to have a 5 year plan. Even when my first one was up, I started thinking about the next 5 years lol


0.00000890 BEE

Sounds like a smart move!

0E-8 BEE

I think as Hive grows it'll be harder to value each and every person, I'm sure everyone has experiences where they feel that a certain post didn't earn enough compared to the work put in. But, I think the only way to combat the idea of value is to make it mean something else.

For me, writing fiction here is great, because sometimes they can earn a few Hive, but what I find most important are comments and critiques of my work and I feel like my writing skills have grown a lot in the last year of being here, based on advice I've received. Also, I sometimes do tv show, movie and game reviews which gave me the idea to film myself speaking them out and boom; the post is now a script and that script could be used down the line when I finally get around to filming them.

That's one way I was able to shift my idea of value for each post and see the big picture and future goals, while maintaining that inspiration to post as regularly as I can.

Everyone comes here for a different reason though, and wants to get different things out of it, which makes it harder to pinpoint why people might leave.


0.00037309 BEE

I agree. It'll get harder and harder to respond to everyone, upvote etc when the population of the community 10x's. That's why I think it's so important to do that now while we still can to build that solid foundation


0E-8 BEE

Yeah you're 100% right. Great post mate!

0E-8 BEE

I think of a couple of other things:

  • comparison is the thief of joy. People look at their post. They look at someone else's post. Then they compare upvotes and $$. They say...look at post is way better than their post, but I didn't make nearly as much or get as many "likes". This place is bullshit. I'm leaving!

  • quality of content. Folk come, look around for a very short time, and decide there isn't much quality content and are gone. They never spend the time to connect with, or find the content that could really interest them.

Most don't understand the true social aspect of Hive. The community and relationship side of Hive that is developed over pouring time into learning and growing within the system and user base. Likewise, we as the community (I'm look at myself here) aren't always great at shepherd along new users and helping out. Certainly I think the CTP community does that better than most honestly.

0.00037235 BEE

Amen to that, and thanks for the CTP shout out :)

Yeah man, that's so true...We look at what others get in a post pay out and start doubting our abilities, and get grumpy in the process. Great points!


0E-8 BEE

I think Hive loses people because it's harder to build account on hive. It takes a lot of effort and TIME. Something which people can't see immediately in terms of the result. Naturally these days patience has been going on pretty low and we have no means to handle this. Instead we can just make connections and hope people stay.

0.00031827 BEE

I think you are spot on.

Some people join for the quick buck and get rich fast scheme, which Hive isn't and if that was their only goal, then they will leave aswell.

Nobody have any patience

0E-8 BEE

I absolutely agree this. Also content on hive can be hard to consume. We are fighting with 1minute long funny videos with 1.000word blogs. Yeah i know there are different consumers for these.. but still... hive is harder to build and also takes more time to engage.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah and I also think not many people catch on to the potential at first glance. Plus not ready to go through the learning curve. Plus poor understanding of community.

0E-8 BEE

I still think it's easier than on traditional social media. Easier to stick out from the crowd here with a little bit of effort, compared to being an 'influencer' on web 2


0E-8 BEE

Hi Jongolson, thanks for this piece. I am pretty new here, and I feel like I'm in a mirror maze. This post has made the bigger picture a lot clear. Thanks Man!

0.00031049 BEE

Glad you enjoyed it, and welcome to the blockchain. If you have any questions, let me know. :)


0E-8 BEE

Fantastic breakdown and great points there Jon, people really do need to feel valued, and great tips on how to do that on Hive, thanks for sharing and stay awesome.

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- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

This post is AWESOME!
It will therefore be highlighted in our daily Curated Collections posting for today.
The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


0.00031061 BEE

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome. (8/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

0E-8 BEE

Never tell a pun to a kleptomaniac
They're always taking things literally.

Credit: lofone
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @thisisawesome



0E-8 BEE

Appreciate that sir, thanks for stopping by and glad to hear you enjoyed it.


0.00049215 BEE

Do have a great Friday 👋🏻😊@jongolson

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- @littlebee4 - Comment Moderator

0E-8 BEE

Hi @jongolson this is really a great and honest take on the things which HIVE can improve on.

I believe that those who leave HIVE failed to find the community they belong to. I am happy that I was able to find @splinterlands and other HIVE games that supports my passion.

HIVE have so much to offer, probably a more active onboarding method can help the community be more cemented. Thank you for this !luv and I wish you a great day with tons of !pizza

0.00031769 BEE

@jongolson, @cmmndrbawang(1/1) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Made with by crrdlx

0E-8 BEE

That's a good observation, they leave before finding a 'home' here on Hive.


0E-8 BEE

I couldn't agree more with these points. Well said, @jongolson... and I wish us all the best of luck going forward. 😊

!hiqvote !PIZZA !CTP

0.00030992 BEE

Thank ya' kindly! Glad to hear it was of value to you!


0.00000585 BEE

I agree that people should try to make sure that people feel valued. The least people could do about comments on their post is to reply and I try my best to respond to all of them that I do get. In a way, Hive is tough and it takes some time before people can understand everything here. It also takes time for people to get results so some people move on before it does work.

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0.00031737 BEE

Absolutely. I might not respond right away but I'll always get to the awesome comments everyone leaves here. It's just a small thing, I think we can all do.


0E-8 BEE

Totally! Some people think that just posting is enough to contribute to Hive, and unfortunately, it's not... The idea is to make as many friends as possible, and thus give life to both your posts and those of others. That's what Hive is all about and your advice was the right one to help anyone who wants to improve here!

0.00031004 BEE

I think it's a little bit of everything. A post, a comment, an upvote etc...Anything we can do to help make people feel welcomed.


0.00000145 BEE

My 2 cents here... I can see mindset of "The Thank You Economy" book by GaryVee ;)

I will spent my time and throw my thoughts about it to this post because I know and like Jongo! and probably it is worth it to do that.


Yes that is true, when someone left a value comment then you definitely should reply but I can see other problem here on Hive. You know this because we have meet in person at SteemFest3 so it is a different dynamic but that was Steem, this is Hive. People have no idea who the fuck NEO is here (maybe a few). I haven't been active here but I did upload content from time to time but then I have stopped again because I haven't received any upvotes and yes in my case it was like a motivator to do that (probably 90% others too or like your paper shows 68%) . Last week I have received "downvotes" on 4 of my video posts by @galenkp and I have even received upvotes from @dtube on them. He thought I was a scammer or what? I don't understand it. Fuckin go to my profile and check if that's me. Why throw a fucking "downvote"? You get it? You have got a $1 or $2 for your post whatever and then someone came and took it out from me. No hard feelings just like "why the fuck I will upload anything then?" no one will see this and no one really care. I can see that there is like a "cult" groups here who gave each other upvotes (more than possibly by automatically) and that also happened before on Steem with us, DDaily and then after SteemFest3 which is fine. I have got a few nice upvotes from @leofinance too which I am greatful about. Hive-Engine platforms don't really upvote posts with their tokens. It's a tricky game. I don't personally feel appreciated as a content creator here and I don't do spam/scam/AI and low quality content in my opinion. Ok sometimes I might not do "proper description" so it takes it from my YouTube but this is my content, and I am a vlogger/video creator not a blogger at all! Most of these blog posts are AI created in 30 seconds and I spent a lot of hours to record, edit, good lighting, background, quality camera not fuckin selfie one from Nokia 3310 :D and I also show my face to the public. I don't hide behind keyboard. I guess there should be more open-minded people around here to catch up content creators like me, who are working hard every day to pay their bills and support them more. I thought that it was an idea of "web3 social media" so content creators like me can monetize their work or it is a "Hive Cult" let "whales" be bigger "whales". Nothing wrong about it let just make it clear ones for all...

Ok. That is my shit here. Take it or leave it. Upvote it or downvote it, ban me or do whatever you fucking want. I do not fucking care.

Thank you.
Stay safe.

0.00030896 BEE

Yeah I'm not a fan of the downvoting to be honest, never really was. Dtube hit me with a big one last week for whatever reason, their stake and all...But if I was new, it would have put me off right away.

Appreciate ya man, and you are one of the guys I've broken bread with in real life. You are a good dude Neo. Sucks that you have been having these experiences on chain :(


0E-8 BEE

Thank you Jongo! :)

I have never got "downvotes" before or maybe I did but not a big ones that affects my payment and this guy arrived out of nowhere and killed 4 of my posts. @dtube usually gave me small ones like $1-2. @threespeak nothing at all. @leofinance is usually nice. Don't see any other place to share my videos.

You know the trap for me is that my content is about Telos Blockchain not Hive and as long as there is "freedom of speech" or "we are open for all content creators" that long if it's about a different blockchain than what is the point to give it an upvote if it's not about Hive that content is shared on? It should bring people to use Hive not outside of Hive. Which is logical so it's a "Hive Cult" at the end and people still use YouTube and they will do even without upvotes.

Happened in the past with DDaily, DTube and Steem. Our goal wasn't to people use YouTube, right?

0E-8 BEE

I personally love authors that reply to comments and engage, engagement is key.

I reply to posts that I can relate to and subsequently if I find posts made by that same author interesting and intriguing, I follow them.

Hivers should not just post, we should try to engage as well, let’s strike a balance and so many people will end up staying longer than we would ever expect.

I enjoyed every bit, so thank you😃

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0.00031570 BEE

I will never understand how creators dont take the few minutes to respond. It makes a world of difference for everyone on chain!


0E-8 BEE

I mean I also don’t understand

0E-8 BEE

You got it exactly Jon! Helping people feel valued here is huge, and really goes a long way! I do my absolute best to do so every day! I know how important it is! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

0.00030812 BEE

Dude you crush it with the engagement. Living what you preach. It's awesome to see!


0.00000144 BEE

Jon, thank you so much for expressing that! I truly do my absolute best every day! That's such a kind compliment! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙 O

0E-8 BEE

In short, make a community and treat your customers well if you want them to continue coming to your business. Totally agree!

0.00031802 BEE

100000% agree! Easy simple things we can do, that go a long long way!


0E-8 BEE

I posted a thread some days ago asking this following questions

How is the community motivating it user's when it comes to upvote

Do upvote comes base on good content or people you follow

Do all good content get upvoted on upvote is all for big bigs account

All this put together also can lead to user's leaving the community, their areot of user's doing perfectly well when it comes to writing, but no upvote.

I noticed big account get upvoted on every occasion, but smaller one's get that opportunity one's in a while

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0.00030781 BEE

I try to spread mine out but again, I'm just a medium sized token holder, nothing special. I think overall, Hive wants to see tokens get distributed more.


0E-8 BEE

I wrote about something similar some days ago regarding hive's growth and you are spot on on your point about people not feeling valued. But a deeper look into this would lead to discussion of our 'value system'--what does it mean to be valued on hive, which is something I want to explore in my next post because of how ambiguous the subject is.

In a nutshell, I think the value system is flawed, upvotes cannot be the only reason people want to stay on hive. It is neither fair nor pragmatic.

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0.00031532 BEE

Oh for sure. Upvotes are just one part of it. I think people feel a part of something when their opinions are addressed, content shared and communications are open. So many layers to it.


0E-8 BEE

I have been attempting to do my own curation which is not easy when there is a child craving almost constant attention (I still love him no matter what).

Everytime I get a comment I respond as soon as possible and also upvote the comments.

Yet my most loyal voter seems to be spaminator.

All jokes aside. I agree. It is that back and forth communication. I look forward to seeing who votes and responds to my posts.

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0.00030906 BEE

I hear that....Got 2 under 5 in this house. If you ever watch or listen to our podcast, you'll now they are on another level lolol


0E-8 BEE

Because they don't feel valued

That's the exact problem I'm trying to solve.
I have started tipping more & more #Hive ♦️ members

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0.00031544 BEE

Tipping is great. It's a fantastic way to add value to people on chain.


0E-8 BEE

Thank you @jongolson.

I'll continue tipping more & more Hive community members.
I am going to support more communities & their contests.
With this, I am trying to make sure that people don't leave #hive platform.

0E-8 BEE

Making people feel valued is key. And it's not a matter of upvoting, it's letting the people you want to retain be aware that you know they are there. And as you say, it can be a comment, and responding in earnest with more than just a thank you.

There is still a long way to go and a long way to go, but something in which we can all do our part, no matter the size of our vote, is to try to make a community.

0.00030468 BEE

100% agree!

Upvotes are just slice of it. It takes much more to keep people here long term.


0E-8 BEE

This publication is very good, I must add "for me" because as you say it is impossible to satisfy everyone.
I always try to answer each one of the comments that they leave me in my publications, it is a way of respecting and empathizing with the one who read yours and left their own impressions of him. Empathizing and respecting others is one leg of this huge table called Hive, there are many others of course but you have to start somewhere.
Regards @jongolson

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0.00031469 BEE

I think it's the least we can do. And I get it, sometimes people are busy, but that's what a quick upvote can be used for as well. So many ways to say 'thanks' to people on chain.


0E-8 BEE

Blockchain doesn't lose people. People lose themselves. Not disagreeing with your findings just offering another point of view that aligns with your visual presentation.

The visual to me is a rain drop falling and taking the path of lease resistance. A very natural part of life. So I venture to guess that in the 68% the folks are leaving not so much because of being or feeling undervalued as much as it is very natural to take the path of lease resistance. You cannot fight Mother Nature and win. That is a win-lose situation that needs to be converted to a win-win situation. Means having to reprogram some folks that are overwhemled by all the noise in a system. If you cannot filter noise you are not going to get good data nor good results no matter how hard you plug away at a new program and technology.

If one feels undervalued then that feeling needs to be addresses. It may not be a fault in the product and services delivered.

I value every human being the same. Today we live in a world that is changing much more rapidly than ever before. People are in a hurry, they often spend much more time speaking and sharing than listening and doing. Makes it much more challenging in capturaing usable data to support the changes we need to do to better serve our customers.

Thanks again for a great post Jon. You are a great motivator. Your words and the words of everyone here is of value. Ones action determine the full value of a quality deliverable. Just so you know, I am making positive changes in my business as a result of your action, your deliverables. This doesn't mean I like everything you do. I better stop before I lose myself. lol

0.00030925 BEE

Appreciate that sir, thanks for the kind words and the thoughts. And that's been a thing that Hive has suffered with for years, it's a big blockchain to learn and understand. Sometimes, people just don't put in the time needed to learn it all.


0E-8 BEE

Social Media itself started to be a problem when people find out they can say what ever they want without immediate consequences because they were protected by a screen, most of this people dont act like that in real life, that is probably the main factor that push ppl away from Hive, but thats just social media been social media and it amplifies with true decentralization, for the rest the value, product and opportunity of growth are there, but for anyone who wants Hive to grow yes best practice is try to keep new users and incentivize them in some other way than tokens, if its all about the token price then it wont work and keep them in the loop until they understand the value and product, although Hive is not for everyone for now, it is a crypto project so 80% if not more are crypto related users, there are not many of us out there we are still a very tiny group compare to other communities irl, same way 80% of people in crypto are in because of the price, for me its 50/50 what push users out of Hive and it depends on the case, the important thing is if at some point we can make something to keep the balance at 50/50 and let users decide if they going to push it in any of the two directions, as I mention Hive is not for everyone, decentralization sometimes could be hard for some people because it means true liberty of speech and that can trigger emotional reactions, just my ignorant opinion as a new user to Hive

0.00030894 BEE

ha ha ha appreciate the opinion! and it's bang on. we are still a small slice of the overall pie.


0E-8 BEE

This is certainly one of the biggest issues here on Hive. Engagement goes a long way.

“Support the work apps are doing!” THIS IS KEY to keep good people around. This is something that is really getting me down these days. A ton of time and money spent trying to build awesome use cases that nobody uses… Feeling like the last 2 years have been a waste of time, effort, and money.

0.00030867 BEE

Oh man, I know the feeling. It's what @captainbob mentioned above, I find myself comparing myself to other accounts. Why did that app get all the support, my goodness, look at what we've been building...And then I remember, no one owes me a thing. Best part is, there are no rules really on Hive. We build.

And that's something we do at CTP, not so much building things praying that they get adopted. We usually build things because we love it and want to use it ourselves.

Keep pushing man, Hive needs entrepreneurs like you.


0.03351449 BEE

I get that, and is the reason I built the things I did. I wanted to build stuff I wanted to use. But it is what it is at this point. I know that nobody owes me anything, but it would be nice to get a little support. Also... don't mind me, lol, I have been in a bit of a slump lately. Had to do back to some old school grind kind of work to try and get bills paid and try to have some to put back into some Bitcoin and rebuild my trading stacks.

0.00024836 BEE

Perhaps this is one of the most honest things I have read on this subject.

0.00024785 BEE

Glad you liked it!

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0.00000880 BEE

looks good

0E-8 BEE


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0E-8 BEE

I agree with these three points, and think they are very important.

Here's what I try to do and I think we all can help out and chip in...
When someone shows up on your blog and writes a thoughtful comment, reply! I personally upvote people too but my goodness, the least we can do is reply to their comment. I'm not saying we should reply to the 'dear ser, love post' comments, but if a member of Hive drops a good comment...Reply!
If that same person keeps showing up on your blog, follow them and start engaging with them more! I know personally, this is something I HAVE to do more of! I remember when I first showed up on the blockchain and would comment all the time on a certain members' blog. Did he start following me right away? Nope but when he did, it made me work that much harder because it felt good to be recognized. We can do that for others!
Support the work apps are doing! I'm not saying we have to use each one religiously, however speaking from our company's perspective, it feels feels really good when people start using our apps. Makes the effort and work, so worth it!

I know if you get 50-100 comments it be difficult to reply to all of them, especially if you’re busy with work, family and your Hive Account is your second job. But I think it goes a long way towards making people feel valued.

I know it’s a big turn off, if I write a long comment and get no response. But I try to remember we are all busy, and English isn’t everyone’s first language, so even though people write posts in English they may have trouble responding to comments in English.

And I know how bad I feel if I find an old post with unanswered long comments. If someone writes I try to answer and upvote, then go to their blog to leave at least one comment and one upvote.

Nothing worthwhile is easy, and Hive is worthwhile, so .. ..


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Newbies on Hive experience the best appreciation. Always getting really high upvotes. Haha. Makes me sad but hey indeed we can't please everybody. Oh well.

0E-8 BEE