Learnt The Hard Way


This prompt really got me really hard is like it was meant for me am the lazy type who doesn't do things when is the right time instead I do it when I feel like I have energy to do, for example whenever am at home during the holiday me and mom usually had it out by fighting a lot, Nah Dont take it the other way round it how we share love among ourselves you could say we weirdo but we truly mom and son love anyway let get back to my story.

It my duty in the morning to clean the house, watch my cloth and wash the dishes and so on as I said earlier I am always lazying around during these chores of the day I tend not to do anything at all i will like to keep my mind occupied with something else like my phone playing with it until then phone runs out of battery and after that the next thought is too go and eat and sleep once I am fully awake if there is light I will watch tv and plug my phone if there is no light at the moment,
I can think of doing half of the chores and leave the rest for another day these type of attitude really pisses her off before you know it we start exchanging words with each other.


How I got to leave that habit of procrastination

When I started growing up this habit it was becoming more of me leaving things done till when I feel like so I was being sent to stay with family members and the family members are really strict in other words no messing up there is like they plan it all for me to learn some hardwork they will be like if they give me work to do I dare not say i wont do it before you know it the habit started leaving me it was then I realized how mad she was always was when am not doing my house chores I felt really bad.

About my action I spent about a year plus staying with family members I finally left for home immediately the first thing I did was to hug her and I apologize for my wrongdoings she forgive me and since then if am told to do something I usually do it immediately and it felt good getting job done immediately than leaving it for later.

What advice could I give to others

Hmmmm if you ask me I would say there is no gain there leaving work that is meant to be done for later why not do it once and for all and know you are done with it been lazy around is really a bad habit trust me sooner or later you are going to learn the hard way if you don't take that habit away from you when you will be left alone to start seeing the world on your own you will be regretting it, so procrastination isn't a good thing to begin with if you are one better change immediately thank you that's the advice I can give.

Thank you for reading my post hope you come back to read more @mathewdaddywah blog

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The only way to get rid of procrastinating is self-discipline, just be strict on yourself, it might take time but gradually doing things at the right time will become part of you

0E-8 BEE

Been strict on yourself I don't think that would work out I was been discipline by family members and got to learn the hard way thanks for commenting

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I think setting our priorities right can help combat Procrastination as well.

Good enough you apologized for your wrong doing and learned to start getting your work done without shifting it to tomorrow


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Yes ma i did just that and it has really help me a long way thanks for sharing

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Lol, I think I have found my fellow culprits who feel this week's topic was targeted at us because it's what is happening to me and currently happening to me.

I do a lot of procrastination I would have written on this topic since yesterday but my habit of procrastination is the reason why I just finished writing this post now. I wish I could help it, I think it should just be added to the list of one of my flaws. Lol

0E-8 BEE

I laughed at first saying you also feel the same procrastination isn't a good thing we got to work on it

0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nkemakonam89(2/5) tipped @mathewdaddywah

0E-8 BEE

My younger brother is just like you when it comes to chores. He does it at his own time sometimes he leaves it till the next day. My mum will talk and talk before he will do it . I just hope he learns just like you. You’ve written well

0E-8 BEE

Thank you very much

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Just like my nephew with me, It will be as if my mouth is leaving my body because he forgets any little task and will wish to do things his own time.

Am glad you over came as it is giving me that assurance that he will certainly change soon. For that visible change to take place is not so easy but certainly we will enjoy it when it happens. Greetings Mom because am sure she planned it all out for you

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Yes i think she did and an happy it change my life for good

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Indeed there is no gain in piling up tasks that actually needs to be done knowing fully well that in the end you will be the one to still get them done.

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Yes true sir

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You know procrastinating is actually fun until it becomes a problem. I also procrastinate alot but then I would say i am better now than before as i get somethings done and just forget about it.

0E-8 BEE

Yea true thanks for sharing

0E-8 BEE

There's no gain in procrastinating, it's will just end up taking your time and in the process you may lose or miss out on important things.

I learnt this the hard way.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

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