The Leadership Divide: A Tale of Two Bosses

In an organization, you need unity and the happiness of all workers to help you get the best out of everyone's working in such organizations, and a few ways to achieve that are paying well, surrounding the organization with positives and goal-oriented people, and also employing a good leader that helps steer everyone in the right direction. The impact of the leaders of an organization on those under them goes a long way in determining the end result of such organizations at the end of the day, be it good or bad.


Working in an organization with people of like minds and a good boss can go a long way in improving you and making you get better at what you do even beyond your own imagination, but working under a bad boss will literally be the other way around, as you'll find yourself not being able to excel or break bonds, and that's mostly because a bad boss tends to have a negative influence on their subordinates, unlike how a good boss would have a positive influence on those under them.

I've been privileged to work under a good boss, and I must say that it was probably one of my best work life experiences, because even at work I used to feel at home and perform my duties as though I'm the owner of the organization myself. Now the main driving force of me putting in more effort isn't necessary because I want a pay rise or promotion, but mainly because my boss happens to be one of the sweetest and kindest-hearted humans I've ever come across, and his way of relating with me and every other person just made us more committed to work, treating it more dearly, and taking every step to make sure our team would stand out at the end of the day.

The. I was working at a Lagos state hotel as a housekeeper, and my boss, who happened to graduate in the same institution as me and in the same year doesn't because he's superior in that place, start acting up; he's just all nice, smiling with everyone, having a listening ear to everyone's complaints, while also working on it; all of these make us feel that we own him something, and even though we know if our department comes out as the best by ending, he'll be the one who'll receive the recognition, yet we don't mind but continuously give our all.

On the other hand, working under a bad boss can be a pain in the ass, and it's quite difficult to work in such an environment without the boss giving you a cold and making you feel worthless. I'll say my present place of work is one of such, as I've got some boss and superior who's behavior is just annoying, and the way they treat others just seems inhuman and wicked.
Take, for instance, that I've got this male superior who's like the closest to our principal, but this man mostly just acts as though he's god within the school because regardless of what's going on, anything he told the principal is what will stand. Sometimes it makes me wonder if it's diabolic for him to have so much control and say, in even things that are obvious.

You can imagine him, being a senior teacher, saying we're all lazy and, because of that, told the principal to make sure everyone records details and scores of students in 3 places, two written and one typed, and he's talking about 800 students on the day of crossing checking. It's funny how he made the principal scold teachers who didn't do as asked, but you won't believe he didn't even do anything from all he proposed, and when we those who got punished tried to point this out, it felt into the deaf ear of the boss.

This and many other of such situations have reduced the commitment of most teachers in that school, leading to most people just performing their main primary duties and avoiding committing to do more, and this has greatly affected the reputation of the school, as most teachers aren't willing to take students for competitions and the like, making the school miss out on most medals we usually get before these bosses came into the picture of the school.

All photos are mine.

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If one can feel free and at home at work, one would definitely be at his best. The bad boss, I wonder why the main boss listens to him and can't see the obvious.

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