The Real Situation On Ground.


Delulu at a point in time was my favourite word to use lol. I’ve heard of people using delulu a couple of times on TikTok and also on Twitter. It’s a term used by most people to mean that what you’re looking for or aiming at, at a point in time is just a fantasy and it might well never materialise.

We are living in a world where people decide our lives for us, unfortunately. Yes, no matter how we say we don’t care about what people think about us and all that I still think deep down we care about what people think about us most of the time.

When we dress, we care about what people will say about our dressing, when we put on a certain perfume we care about what people will say about the smell and all that. In fact, we live our lives to impress others in my opinion and most of the time we let these people dictate to us how we should make our life decisions.

In this modern-day and era, the youth of this world are coerced into setting unrealistic goals at certain ages and most of the time these are attributed to certain factors or the kind of things that we see around us.

Take this example; most people we know who are rich probably made their money in their late 40s to 50s but now we are in a hurry to make it by age 25 to 30. Why is this? We see our age mates making it through various means and it’s only unfortunate when they are hailed for being rich or having more money than us. We as individuals also like to stand out and live the lives they are living. So we tend to try to make as much as they are making to live the lives they are living.


I don’t think trying to live a comfortable life is a problem but how you acquire the money which you are spending lavishly is always the problem. We are in a system where most of our young age is concentrated around schooling so it means that you only start to make a living for yourself after the age of 20. In very poor countries like the ones in which we live life starts at a much older age as unemployment is high in these parts of the world.

So yes I say that expecting a young man at the ages of 20 - 25 to be well-to-do is far from the truth. Yes, in some cases people do stand out but in most cases, people are hits starting their lives.

One other delulu that I think is too delulu is deciding when a couple should have children. In Africa, the moment you get married they expect that you have kids in 1 -2 years. The moment that baby is delayed then people start to ask questions. But they forget that you have your life planned out and the reasons you got married might not even be to have kids. Most of the time we end up getting pressured by the society to have children which are not ready to take care of.

So take your time. The society has their ideas about how they want to live life. But as long as you have your life together and you are not doing anything to harm anyone then you should live your life as you deem fit cause at the end of the day it’s everyone for himself.

All images are mine

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