My Upbringing And How It Shaped My Life.


Everyone has a different upbringing but when we all sit together to talk about how our parents trained us, what their reactions would be when we do some certain things, we’d realize that almost all of us were trained the same way but may not be the same method. That’s why we tend to see that most of we born in a particular period of time react to things almost the same way.
At the same time, I feel or know that the way parents trained their kids back then is very much better than how it is done now. That’s why we have so many crazy things happening now.


Talking of our parents and upbringing, no matter how bad our upbringing may be, there will always be that one thing which will be very good that our parents trained us with and we will also love to replicate it to our children. As for me, one major part of my upbringing is that…

I can cope wherever I am

Honestly, I’m not from a very much well to do family and we were not broke either. We were just in the middle class trying to become better. During my childhood days, my parents satisfied me with almost everything I had and everything they could afford but as time went on, they began to limit the way they satisfied me and made me realize that we may not always get what we want.
There are days when we’d have everything to eat but my parents may decide to feed us with little so we would be able to cope any day there is no food to eat.
There are so many times when my parents taught us to make ourselves uncomfortable so we can achieve what we have planned to achieve. I was taught not to always eat much in other people’s houses, to be able to comport myself and so much more. Why were they reaching us all of these? They did that because they want us to be able to manage anywhere we are with whatever we’ve got. Also, we should always be able to cope with the lifestyle of those who we are with.


This helped me a lot and I have proved it in different ways. There was a time I lived with one of my aunt for over four months and we never had any reason to be at loggerheads. When I began to live there, I studied their way of life and adjusted immediately even though I was not really satisfied. Also, I made myself almost uncomfortable throughout last year because I saved up a lot of money to start my mini mart business. Everything cannot always be rosy and since I learnt that from small, I found it easy to deprive myself of so many forms of enjoyment and I was able to achieve my goal.

Presently, I stay with another aunt of mine entirely and I am not comfortable at all in her place. I just have to cope with it till I find my apartment. Till now, she has never confronted me that I did something wrong because I was able to switch to their lifestyle even though it is not comfortable to me. There are so many places I’ve lived, so many things I’ve done which were not really okay for me but I did it and I’m always grateful for success.


I’m glad my parents shaped my upbringing this way. No matter what the case may be, I’d always survive and do excellently well.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nigeria has really train us with circumstances that we can actually cope in any part of the world 😂


Yes ooh
We can cope anywhere




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It's good that your parents were able to condition you to fit in any circumstance you find yourself. It's a true virtue, being able to adapt. Nice one!
