
The moment a sweet and loving relationship starts getting sour, bitter and filled with endless tears, one needs to run very faraway from such relationship, these signs are the early stages of relationship toxicity, and if such relationship aren’t severed immediately, there will be extreme consequences later on. When the early signs advances to endless insults, body shaming, betrayal, cheating, lies coupled with physical violence or assault of any sort, then you are bound to leave such relationship either broken or damaged. There are some situations where you get both sides equally, which means you get both broken and damaged, and sometimes these damages are beyond repair, especially when it has affected the mental health, which is why you need to open your eyes in every of your relationships…

Relationship toxicity is one of the reasons why I ran from relationships in the past, it is also one of the reasons why haven’t dated many women, i have only dated one person in my life, this particular person is my only serious relationship so far, that relationship has been on since Novermber 20, 2020. It’s almost four years now. When it comes to relationships, i think i have gotten to the stage where i can tell if a relationship is filled with toxicity or love…

I can say not many people have this gift, i can tell a relationship filled with toxicity from afar, this is the advantage of being a lover boy and very good fan of love related contents. I have seen over a thousand and one relationships in the last couple of decades, I have seen ones with toxicity and ones with beautiful love, there are relationships I envy so much and there are some i feel disgusted with, this is because such relationships are filled with toxicity and I’m not a fan of toxic relationships, if it ain’t working or healthy, my dear “CLEAR” or you will end up being a victim of assault if not a greater damage…

I am lover of love and a respecter of relationships, i don’t take relationships for granted, i don’t joke with heart of my lover, i stand against toxicity in relationships and that is why I would leave a toxic relationship. When it comes to toxic relationships I don’t compromise, I don’t endure for the sake of love, i walk away and would advise any of my friends or close acquaintances to “clear” when it becomes toxic and dangerous…

It is very easy to blame the devil when a toxic partner causes you harm or damage, but then it is very hard to recover from such damages, it mostly leaves a scar at the end of the day, the end result of a toxic relationship is harm and danger…

There are over a thousand and one effects of a toxic relationship, and from what I’ve seen and observed so far in the relationship of many people out there, especially the toxic ones, i think the effects of such toxicity varies. It is divided into different parts but then i will talking more about the most common side affects, these side effects aren’t hidden as they are the ones we know of because we see them everywhere…



Mental breakdown is one of most critical gift from a toxic relationship, when there is excessive endurance in a toxic relationship it mostly leads to mental breakdown, and then from mental breakdown it keeps becoming worse until it is beyond control. When a mental breakdown becomes worse, it mostly causes damage to the human brain, which happens to be the most powerful organ that controls the human activity…


A severe mental breakdown will mostly lead to insanity, and an insane person is mostly taken to the psychiatric hospital for intensive treatment, they will be separated from the public, that way they won’t be a danger to themselves and to everyone around them. A toxic relationship will eventually lead to a mental breakdown if actions are not taken at the right time…


The father of depression and anxiety is emotional breakdown, when a relationship becomes extremely toxic, it would eventually lead to emotional distress and instability which will ultimately result in depression, anxiety and the father of it all emotional breakdown…

Endless tears, lack of pain, panic attacks, anxiety and nervous breakdown is the end result of emotional breakdown, if you not happy in a relationship then stay clear from it, don’t endure toxicity for the sake of love, it will eventually lead to emotional breakdown…


In summary, the above listed effects are the two main effects of toxic relationships, they go a long way in causing harm to the human state of wellbeing…

In conclusion, if it ain’t working, if you aren’t happy, if you aren’t satisfied then walk away with your two legs and healthy mindset before it’s too late. There’s is no endurance in toxicity, it’s either you leave yourself or be carried out…

NB; this is my entry to the inleo monthly prompt day 24 titled the effects of toxicity in relationship, you should participate in this prompt…


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The message is Clear I wonder what manner of love always make people less love themselves in the name of loving others.

I'm proud of you, lover boy your babe is lucky.

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