What I used to believe in strongly that is no longer true!

My first impression and thought on this topic is kinda funny somehow, but thinking deeper, I find out some things that are really worth talking about. Then i used to believe that people were either good or bad. I thought life was simple, good people did good things, bad people did bad things, and that was just how it worked. Seriously it felt conforting to put people in neat little boxes because it made the world seems easier to understand


Having said that, life doesn't let you stay naive for long. The first big crack in that belief came when someone I loved made a terrible mistake. It really hurt, and I was angry. At first, I wanted to write them off completely. To label them as a "bad person" and move on. But then, I saw their guilt, their effort to make things right, and how much they were struggling with their own humanity. Then I realized something; people are complicated. None of us are all good or all bad. We're always a mix of choices, circumstances, flaws, and intentions. I saw the same thing in myself when I made mistake I never thought I'll make. That humbling moment taught me to look deaper

Now, I no longer judge someone by one moment, or one mistake. I've learned to see people as a whole, messy, evolving beings. It doesn't mean I execute harmful actions, but I try to understand "why" behind them. Life isn't black and white, it's a thousand shades of gray

What about you? Have you ever had a belief like that completely shift? You can share your thoughts on this and let's have this conversation

Another strong belief I had, that is no longer true... I used to believe that everything in life had a clear purpose, like some grand plan was guiding everything that happened, but I was very wrong! Then, if something went wrong, I'll tell myself, it's all happening for a reason. That belief gave me comfort, like no matter how bad things got, it was all part of a bigger picture I just couldn't see yet. But life threw me into a situation that felt completely senseless. I lost someone I loved unexpectedly, and for a long time, I kept asking myself "Why" What's the reason for this No answer ever came. And honestly, it was crushing. It made me question everything I'll held onto so tightly

Later, I realized that not everything has to have a deeper meaning. Sometimes bad things just happen. Life can be random, unfair and messy. And that's OK. Letting go of the need to find a reason for everything actually made me feel freer. Now instead of searching for meaning in everything, I tried to focus on how I respond to what happens. I find meaning in the connections I build, the kindness I show, and the love I give, even when life doesn't make sense

What about you? Have you ever let go of a belief like that? Share your thoughts and let's have this conversation!!!

0.00309832 BEE

It's absolutely true, sometimes bad things just happen 😔

0E-8 BEE

Yeah...that's how life is, we just have to prepare for unexpected

0E-8 BEE

Haha it's funny to think good people do good things and bad people do bad things but yeah, it's much easier to think that way until the real thing happens 🥲
It's a sad realization that not everything happens for a reason, very sad.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah... It is
Sounds funny though, but it's the fact

0E-8 BEE

The good thing is if they corrected or tried to correct those mistake thats what i usually believe is goof

0E-8 BEE

Yeah.. You are absolutely right 💯

0E-8 BEE