A bad habit that got me punished a lot of times as a kid

I was rebellious as a kid, so when it comes to being punished and flogged, you can give me an A1, my mum flogged me, and most of the time it was because of the habit of staying out late.


At times I wonder why she flogs me badly because I return so late in the night, it was not until I became an adult that I figured it out, she was trying to protect me from dangers knowing evil happens more at night but most time, I play and forget about time but no doubt once it becomes dark, the fear is always there knowing what I am going home to meet but that still won't stop me from what I was doing and it is only when I finished playing and head home that I start thinking of how to bypass my mum awaiting me with cane at home.

She likes it when am back home before 7p.m but around this time, I am still on the field playing ball with my peers and it is when it is getting dark that the football even gets more interesting and we only quit when it becomes so dark that we can't see the ball to play, but still I don't go home directly because there is a play station center just around the field that I do go to play soccer and sometimes that is where I would be till 9 that my mum will use a cane to come to fetch me and after I realized she doesn't come to search for me until 9p.m, I am always alert once it is 9, it shows she also has a limit for her patience and 9 p.m. is indeed too late for a young boy to be outside.


On other days, she would just wait for me to come home, I liked it when she shouted at me and asked why I was just coming home because there was a high chance that she wouldn't beat me that night but you see when I returned and she is quiet, I fear that more, she will even tell me to go and carry my food, sometimes she attacks when am eating with her cane and some other time, the moment I enter my room, she follows me and lock the door, all you will be hearing is ah eh mummy plz, I won't do it again lol, the one I dreaded the most is when she postpone the beating till the morning of the next day cos I won't be able to sleep peacefully.

If I eventually fall asleep, it is a sharp pain that will wake me up early in the morning with no one to save me because she always locks the door lol.

I appreciate her for those beatings though, Staying out late is bad because that is when evil people operate and now that I am old to decide on my own, you can't see me outside once it is 8 p.m. unless it is important.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

1.18447481 BEE

When African mums are quiet when you do something wrong "just run" because that silence means something else entirely, for the food part, imagine eating and something just lands at your back, unexpected flogs like that come with the most pain compared to the ones you are aware of😁😁😁.

Mums are great😊😊😊

0.00393038 BEE

Lol you are right that is why I prefer she react rather than keeping quiet because that quietness means she already had a punishment In mind for me

0.00000000 BEE

The first time my mom woke me up to beat me, it was like a dream and I kept wondering if she got possessed with something but she wasn't. She just left me to feel relaxed before punishing me and I couldn't even shout because it was night already.

All those punishments were for a good cause and it's great we learned even though we did it the hard way.

0.00390432 BEE

Night or day, I do shout, cos the whip gives sharp pain

Yea all was for our good

0.00000000 BEE

I was quite obedient and I hardly went outside of home. I used to spend maximum time with me. I played solo game with me and I was the creator of those games.

0.00379764 BEE

Oh that is nice, as for me I had a lot of friends that there is no way I could be comfortable staying indoor alone when my friends are having fun outside

0.00000000 BEE

The beatings were like punishment but I’m glad it helped us today
It helped us to be able to differentiate wrong from right
I’m happy we had those trainings

0.00374897 BEE

It was necessary

0.00000000 BEE

Jesus Christ πŸ˜‚
I can't believe what I have just read
"I liked it when she shouted at me and asked why I was just coming home"

Don't let your mother see this πŸ˜‚

0.00373438 BEE

Lol those days put a smile on my face now when I remember them

0.00000000 BEE