How good is your Nodcrafty?

Do you love words? I do! I find language and our use of it fascinating. In another life I might become a lexicographer.

Before I get waffling, let me tell you I read an article about an interview with my favourite lexicographer Susie Dent. You can read exerts from the interview here.


One great word that she pulled out of the bag and is from the 19th century, and apparently I am a master at, is "nodcrafty".

I mentioned it in the title of this article, have you any idea what it is?

She puts it as ....

'To be nodcrafty is to have the knack of nodding your head as if you're really following along but actually you tuned out ages ago,'

I think I have been practising Nodcrafy since I was a kid!

At school, college, university, church, work, meetings, parents, girlfriends, friends, wives hell yeah I think I have a doctorate in the art of Nodcrafty.

I read it out to Mrs T and she just looked up and was pointing saying yes that is you!

In fact I think I could even be practising Nodcrafty in my sleep!

What about you, do you nod along as if you are paying attention meanwhile a 101 things are whizzing around in your head?


I was walking home through the park when I saw these snowdrops .... Yes spring is on the way, this is 5.30pm at night, I remember not that long ago it was dark at 4pm, so even though it is still cold at night, I feel we are starting to kick winter's arse!

The flowers are snowdrops, I love the way they droop their head, it is as if they are nodding!

What perfect accompaniment to a post about Nodcrafty than some nodding Snowdrop pictures!



If like me you are from a Northern country then you may well appreciate the second word she highlighted.

Winter is not a particularly fun time for me ... but .... there is a pretty damn good feeling ....

That is when you feel the warmth of the sun on your back on a winter's day.

I love that feeling, well it has a name!

Welcome to apricity!

It was mentioned in a dictionary in 1623 but seems to have disappeared. I know Susie mentions it quite often on her podcast with Gyles Brandreth which unfortunately they stopped last year. It really is a gem and if you want a fun and witty listen then check out "Something Rhymes with Purple".



Linguistic bigging up

She did say some other good things which made me chuckle, and while I was nodding in agreement, I for once was not perfecting my Nodcrafty!

Back to the article and she was lamenting a 'pretentious' habit in restaurants that gets on her nerves, whilst I was nodding away and going fluff yeah that gets on my tits too!

The bottomline was that she was fed up with food places embellishing things...

Whilst I was reading it, AI and Hive sprung to mind.

It is so easy to spot AI text because it uses overtly flowerly language far too much.

For example... in an attempt to make dishes sound classy, restaurants big it up linguistically....

  • eggs always seem to be 'farm-fresh,'
  • chips (french fries to you Americans) 'hand-cut'
  • salt used in meals is mentioned as being from the Himalayas.

This had me nodding away ....

then for dessert .... chocolate truffles also aren't complete without being described as 'dusted in cocoa'!

Back to basics!

If you know me I love getting back to basics. I can do fine dining with the best of them but these two had me laughing...

1 "artisanal organic signature sourdough, toasted to a golden hue and suffused with salt-encrusted butter"

2 "perfectly al dente pasta enveloped in a velvety bechamel sauce from a blend of barrel-aged cheeses and finished with a layer of hand-rubbed breadcrumbs".

Just fluffing saying toast and butter and mac and cheese!


Keep your Glow Up Gen Z thank you very much!

You are shattered? No you are just tired!
You are freezing? No you are just a cold!

It was a fun read and we are all guilty of glowing things up!

Star is overused, iconic takes the piss and tragic, really that is something that is used with no fluffing meaning!

Yeah let's get back to basic and cut out the embellishment crap!

I love how languages evolve, but seeing some generations think they are inventing words when they just reuse things makes me laugh no cap!


Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful end to February...


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo February 27th 2025


Haste Ye Back!

0.04125607 BEE

I think I am good at nodcrafty as well, as I nod from time to time reading your post.

ah, Grammarly flagging it to be corrected. !LOLZ !PIZZA

0.00027117 BEE

hehe I really don't like grammarly lol but yes probably not upto date with all the original English words from centuries ago 🤣

0E-8 BEE

I tune out , but I don't nod my head. I just sit there with a blank stare on my face and fidget around.

0.00026746 BEE

The blank stare we call the gormless look 🤣

0.00063719 BEE

Is that what it's called? :)

0E-8 BEE

I think I practiced Nodcrafty in school more, just so the teacher thinks I am following and understanding, while I sit there not understanding a thing.

Sometimes I also do it while have a conversation that is either boring or exhausting hehe.. Great to learn new words

0.00026738 BEE

I think I practiced Nodcrafty in school more, just so the teacher thinks I am following and understanding, while I sit there not understanding a thing.

hahaha Miss 1% admits to not understanding a thing .... Noooo I don't beeeeelieve it!!!

0E-8 BEE

😂😂 it's true

0E-8 BEE

If I can't find the words to say then I just do the nodcrafty😌. Otherwise I will just stare emotionless😛. Better just say it straight to the point than all the advertisement that's making it confusing😌.

0.00025975 BEE

Exactly straight to the point is the way to go!
Hehe I can see you doing the nodcrafty with an emotionless stare at the same time 🤣🤣🤣

0E-8 BEE

That's when I didn't understand anything😬🤣

0E-8 BEE

Hand rubbed opposed to ass cheek rubbed??🤣🤣🤣 AI is great at cliche!!!

Nodcrafty... Classic. I'm good at that, but even better at just walking out the room or changing the subject coz I'm bored 🥱😴 ... The snowballs are absolutely the best image for this word!!!

And I adore apricity... Will store that one!!

0.00024698 BEE

haha AI I think does rule the world with cliches lol!

Oh yes, I do have a habit of just getting up and wandering off when bored!

Apricity is a wonderful one and I enjoyed it today!

0.00000000 BEE

Why was I laughing while reading this? I'm guessing because I know it's true everything you said!!! To me, more than the flowery language, I'm concerned about how little good language there is right now. Maybe because of the little interest there is to speak and write well is joined by music like reguetone, then we see a kid who only knows ten words and eight of them he uses badly and two are swear words. I nod too, sometimes, and my body is far, far away. Ah, here in Venezuela there is a state where they are in charge of inventing bad words, but they are so good that it provokes to repeat them. Long live the language and the linguists! Hugs, my friend

0.00025406 BEE

jeje yes I know you know it's true!
Well my friend, I am happy, at least I made one person laugh and thank you for reading.
Language has gone down the toilet.
You nailed it with the kid that only knows 10 words and then the ones that aren't swear words are used wrongly haha!
I don't mind swearing. People swear in Scotland all the fucking time. But when it is interspersed with some intellect then bring it on!
I want to visit that state in Venezuela jeje
Gracias Nancy and a great big linguistic hug to Cumaná

0E-8 BEE

Nodcrafty? Apricity? Interesting words which I had never heard prior to reading your post, @tengolotodo.

"Do you love words? I do! I find language and our use of it fascinating."

Yes. Words have enormous power. Whether being used for good or otherwise, I do not think this can be disputed. Investing our time to become better at our understanding and use of them is worthwhile.

"I love how languages evolve, but seeing some generations think they are inventing words ..."

Probably a silverblogger bullet list of thoughts to follow here, but I personally have not been all that impressed with how the use of words has evolved:

  • Completely redefining words, when their original meaning had value. Laziness or lack of creativity, to not come up with new words instead? Something more sinister afoot? Some of both?

  • Dumbing down of language. It does not appear to be an accident. Words that are misspelled on purpose? The use of slang, especially of the crude or vulgar variety?

  • Acronyms. Something to do with people trying to communicate with their two thumbs on a tiny little screen? Laziness again?

Perhaps devolved would be more accurate? 🤷‍♂️ Or regressed ... 😉

I wonder what Susie Dent thinks about it?

0E-8 BEE

Those are very nice pictures you have illustrating your post, @tengolotodo. I thought I would mention that in a separate message.

Spring is a favorite time of year and your flower pictures really bring that out.

The house? Seems like there must be an interesting story behind that picture, with its windows apparently shuttered.

0E-8 BEE

I am thankful I have come across your page for I am reminded that I am good in nodcrafty too. And those snowdrops are just undeniably pretty resonating nodcrafty😅. Spring will be here soon!😇

0E-8 BEE