Hive Open Mic 183 - "River of Tears By Alessia Cara" Cover

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Hello Hive Open Mic community and my fellow music singers!
It's another week with a beautiful theme and I'm happy to be here once again to share my song choice for the selected theme by our spotlight artist @glowie

Image designed here

I'm choosing to share the cover of the song titled "River of Tears" by "Alessia Cara", for the theme of the week "Hasta la Vista" meaning "See you or Goodbye".

This song has been on my playlist for a long while now, but I won't say I play it as much as I do with the others I have on my playlist.

But for the theme of this week, I'm reminded very much of this song as it sings a lot about the theme word "Goodbye"... A song about moving on and not looking back to hurts and pains, it's always better to say goodbye to what you know is causing you only hurt and pains.

This song sings about a love that went cold and breaking away from the love for something better in the future. Alessia sings and I interpret "Goodbye even though I thought you were my hero and even if though it's hard to say Goodbye."

So do listen, enjoy the cover and let me know what you think about it's connection to the theme. I hope to see you all next week again in the next theme. I appreciate the support as always 💯

Song Lyrics

Still got the flowers that you sent
And the note you wrote that said that we were meant to be forever
I keep them all as evidence
In a drawer under the mirror, filled with empty promises

I don't know why
I keep letting you lie to me
Hard as I try
It seems I can't break away
I thought that you would be the hero
Come and save the day
But you're a villain
Your sins unforgiven

Song Lyrics


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0.37527535 BEE

Saludos @merit.ahama

Tienes una voz bellísima, una gran afinación y una textura hermosísima, cantaste como una gran artísta!!! Aplausos para tí, excelente.

Un abrazo fraternal, Bendiciones del cielo para tí

Greetings @merit.ahama

You have a beautiful voice, a great intonation and a beautiful texture, you sang like a great artist! Applause for you, excellent.

A fraternal embrace, God bless you

0.00011284 BEE

Thanks so much, I appreciate the kind words 😊

0E-8 BEE

This is really lovely dear
I love this song

0.00007514 BEE

Thank dear

0E-8 BEE

You have a super impressive voice. I imagine that you have sung other songs with much more power. I really liked the strength of your voice. Blessings

0.00007440 BEE

You're so kind with your comment, I appreciate that you find my voice impressive 😊
Thanks for listening!

0E-8 BEE

Your voice is so soothing😊 from the beats, your voice, the edits. Everything is just on point 👌

0.00007571 BEE

Aww thanks 😊

0.00006208 BEE

You're welcome

0E-8 BEE

You have such a lovely voice. I felt goosebumps listening to this. It is really beautiful. Continue being a star!!

0.00007565 BEE

Thanks, your compliment made me smile 😊

0E-8 BEE

You deserve to smile, you’re welcome

0E-8 BEE

Love getting cold is a kind of nightmare but time heals they say. Sad songs just transport you to that time and space, it's magical.

Should I say voices have a feel? Yours is one we might never get tired of. Well done Merit dearie 🤗❤❤

0.00007557 BEE

Awww thanks Sekani 😊

0E-8 BEE

This is beautiful 💖 You really made me Feel the song...Great job!

0.00007531 BEE

Thank you, glad you felt it 😊

0E-8 BEE

I love the music. I don't listen to it much but when my shuffle gets to it. It gives that emotion. You sang sang... we... you sang!!!... w... you sang 😡... we...


My keyboard is lost of words. Lol

0.00007532 BEE

Lol this girl ehn
Thank you ooo 🤗

0E-8 BEE

The part of

I'm going down and you have watched me drown

Always hits me differently whenever I hear this song

Great performance dear

0.00007575 BEE

Yeah, it's an emotional song 🥺

0E-8 BEE

River of tear, this song sounds more like of Heartbreak song, I love the flow of the song,
You singing is always a joy to the Soul,
Keep blessing us with heavenly voice 🥰

0.00007459 BEE

Awww thanks Drey 😊

0E-8 BEE

The river of tears. The song is emotional boss,you're did super well. Kudos sir

0.00007588 BEE

Thanks my dear

0E-8 BEE

Aw see how my comrade is shining bright like a diamond 🤩. You sang river of tears very well dear. It feels like a heartbreaking sad but maybe it’s because of you, I don’t seem to feel sad listening to this 😅

0.00007585 BEE

Haha your Comrade can't be sad na
I will turn sad songs to happy ones 😂

0E-8 BEE

One more love song for this theme, breaking up is never easy but sometimes is necessary.... May God guide our love lives

0.00007563 BEE

Oh yeah! That's true

0E-8 BEE

I love the melody of the piano, constant and sad. I never get tired of enjoying your voice, it is very beautiful. you made an excellent choice with the song.

0.00007320 BEE

Thanks so much sis 😊
Glad you enjoyed it.

0E-8 BEE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 177 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0E-8 BEE