Hive Open Mic Week 247 - Agnus Dei (Cover) by Michael Smith

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It's a New start of the year as we also begin the new year music i wish everyone a prosperous and productive ywar ahead, it's nice to be here again after all challenges of this concluded year brought up but we were able to come out triumphantly, it is all needed to give back the honour to the one who have made it possible before.


Welcoming everyone to the new week music entry in the hive open mic community at week 247, i had it in mind to do a song which is titled Agnus dei, It is a latin Word which is known as Lamb of God so travelling from my place to home for the festive period, i couldn't carry my keyboard because its a bit heavy and that is gonna be a workload for me so i just brought my soundcard with the microphone so i will be able to do some video covers during my state at home and it was awesome because that made learn some lyrics which i didn't know before.

Link to the lyrics

Name of artiste

Micheal W.Smith

Song title

Agnus Dei




Es un nuevo comienzo del año, ya que también comienzan el nuevo año de la música les deseo a todos una ywar próspera y productiva por delante, es agradable estar aquí de nuevo después de todos los desafíos de este año concluyó trajo a colación, pero hemos sido capaces de salir triunfante, todo es necesario para devolver el honor a la que lo han hecho posible antes.


Dando la bienvenida a todos a la nueva entrada de música de la semana en la comunidad de micrófono abierto colmena en la semana 247, lo tenía en mente para hacer una canción que se titula Agnus dei, Es una palabra latina que se conoce como Cordero de Dios por lo que viajar desde mi lugar a casa para el período festivo, No podía llevar mi teclado porque es un poco pesado y que va a ser una carga de trabajo para mí, así que sólo trajo mi tarjeta de sonido con el micrófono por lo que será capaz de hacer algunas cubiertas de vídeo durante mi estado en casa y fue increíble porque eso hizo aprender algunas letras que no sabía antes.

Enlace a la letra

Nombre del artista

Micheal W.Smith

Song title

Agnus Dei

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Happy new year baba
This is another dimension of you without piano or guitar but doing excellently well

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Wishing you the same my mentor. This new year is for trying new things oo. Anticipating yours

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For me it is very pleasant and surprising to have witnessed your musical growth in Hive and your way of creating musical content, there is a lot of quality in your presentation and I know that you will continue searching for perfection. thank you for being an example friend, congratulations, this song is very beautiful 🙏

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That is one of my new year go doing more of quality entry that will draw others to the community and check it out, a morale to others

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Happy new year bro... this was a beautiful rendition of this worship song, it brings back beautiful memories, thanks for sharing. Well done 👏.

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Hello dear friend,
Happy New Year, best wishes to you.
This is a beautiful song, I remember many versions but my favourite is the one by Jota a

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