HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 156-'Above all_by ''Women of Faith''cover @imaculate50 [ENG/ESP]

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Hi everyone, welcome to Hive Open Mic weekly concert, a global community working for world peace through a love of live music.

For the week 156 of Hive Open Mic, we are to explore the theme "Hasta El Extremo ." which was chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @wbrandt.

This week I will be singing a song to compliment the easter period,a song by women of Faith,tittled ''Above all''.
The lyrics of this song really depicts great meaning, meaning God is above all other nature, creation, principalities and power.

His death on the cross of calvary has bind sin and death,His resurrection means He brought life into us,an everlasting life.


Hola a todos, bienvenidos al concierto semanal Hive Open Mic, una comunidad global que trabaja por la paz mundial a través del amor por la música en vivo.

Para la semana 156 de Hive Open Mic, vamos a explorar el tema "Hasta El Extremo". que fue elegido por el artista destacado reciente de nuestra comunidad: @wbrandt.

Esta semana estaré cantando una canción para complementar el período de Pascua, una canción de mujeres de Fe, titulada ''Sobre todo''.
La letra de esta canción realmente representa un gran significado, lo que significa que Dios está por encima de toda otra naturaleza, creación, principados y poder.

Su muerte en la cruz del calvario ha atado el pecado y la muerte, Su resurrección significa que Él nos trajo vida, una vida eterna.


Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature
And all created things
Above all wisdom
And all the ways of man
You were here
Before the world began

Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders
The world has ever known
Above all wealth
And treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure
What You're worth

Laid behind the stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all

lyrics source

''Above All" by Women of Faith

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Well done my friend! Glad you were encouraged to participate in this edition of the Hive Open Mic, hope to see you next time! Best regards!

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Thanks you so much

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@imaculate50 in the spirit of Easter you have presented this wonderful song and it's amazing because Christ went all out for us, he went to the extreme and was crucified for us.

Wonderful performance dear friend.
Blessings to you

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Thanks to you

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