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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?

It is easy - if organized

All the raging germans (who cry cuz their easy way of farming rewards is gone due to HW) even advocate for ABOLISHING DOWNVOTING IN GENERAL

and your great Hive platform that goes to complete shit

Germans didnt care about us wanting to decentralize HW, they only care about their easy rewards.
Their circlejerks.

So they suddenly want to abolish HW
Ofc Downvoting in general

So they can have their "peace and freedom" again

Good luck !

0E-8 BEE

I doubt Hive Watchers does much to deal with any of it anyway, they mostly go after people farming 4 cent rewards and new users. It takes me about 2 seconds to add them to my bot to deal with it.

1E-8 BEE