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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?


I doubt Hive Watchers does much to deal with any of it anyway, they mostly go after people farming 4 cent rewards and new users. It takes me about 2 seconds to add them to my bot to deal with it.

1E-8 BEE

I dont care what you doubt.

Thousandth time: I also do not like HW - since way too long
still, noone has a better idea in this great decentralized community

Have some other better idea - make the useful idiots germans join the anti-abuse effort

decentralize it

But if you all now just rage to abolish Hivewatchers, we will soon have the whole Steem Swamp here

And every scammer from the net

You guys need to imagine that we need to give good incentives, as a platform - not only for scammers and abusers

0.00000177 BEE