Footprints in the Sand



As I traversed through the sandy shoreline, I could see these footprints in the sand. I wonder how many people come and go to escape the busy life in the city to unwind and forget those backlogs which needs to be done in their respective working places but the work never seems to get enough attention from their owners.

Those footprints represents one's existence. They may bump into each other or maybe one of those pairs have already vanished. Just like me, who wanted to feel life outside the four corners of our home and shake off the oneliness I've been feeling when one has to go back to their working places to continue with the kind of life they each have chosen.

Well, I am done with my task so I thought but no, it's not. Instead, it's my obligation as their mom to guide them morally. Thank God they still listen to their mother. I am not a lost soul after all. I still have y children who still needed me.

I wonder what are the lifestory of those other footprints in the sand but I know they have passed that way to ease the sorrows that had once enveloped their emotions, the uncertainties of what lies ahead. Parhaps or maybe not, I will be gone and won't be able to see the rising and the setting of sun by the morrow, who knows we will bump into each other and share our stories. Maybe one day, somehow, we'll be there...


This leaf have witnessed the good old days, so proud from where it stood looking down at the passersby from different walks of life. It had witnessed the wrath of nature yet it stood firm untouched.

Until one day, life gave up on it...nobody cared of it's downfall. Perhaps mother nature will wash it out to join the waves and sing a lullaby. It was a dream come true and within reach. Back then, it was only looking down where it was up there sitting on a pedestal.

Well, that's life. This leaf is like me, toughened by the hardships one cannot imagine. I am a survivor just like this leaf...


0.13900507 BEE

Sounds like you are a little sad? That can help sweeten the good times, but you also need to embrace those. Maybe the next time you have some free time, do something that makes you laugh :)


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0.00017740 BEE

Well, that's the real essence of Emotions & Feelings, right? I guess this is the right place for me to express my inner thoughts. But you're right, I should think positive and move on. I should ponder on the good times we had together. Bittersweet experiences makes you a better and stronger person. Thanks for the positive thoughts my friend!

0E-8 BEE

My pleasure :)

Yes, we should ponder on and share those feelings ♥️ But dwelling on them for a long time could lead to losing the chance to experience joy?


0.00017537 BEE

Very beautiful thoughts @sarimanok As I read this I look over to the other room where my elderly mother and mother-in-law are still worried about my wife and me and are still taking care of us, even though they are at an age where we are taking care of them. We always need our parents, especially when they have been supportive. Though sometimes we do not know how to show it. :)

There is one small typo which has crept in. I think you meant to write 'loneliness' but the 'l' got missed. "oneliness" did seem to fit in with the flow though :) But the meaning for oneliness is not what you were looking for there I believe hence pointing it out .

Overall had a good read going through your post, and feeling nostalgic for moments to ponder on the beach again. Good work!

Cheers from another #dreemerforlife.

0.00017401 BEE

Hi there! Thanks for your kind thoughts and the typo as well. I guess you're right. "Oneliness' seems to fit in though Mr. Grammarly marked it red. Lol! It usually happens when your mind runs faster than your keyboard, right? I gather my thoughts first before I do my draft and the rest follows.

Well, as a family, we take care of each other, especially that their daddy went ahead of us and my eldest daughter left earlier at the age of 18. My eldest son died 5 months after their dad passed away at the age of 32 due to the same sickness (cardiac arrest}. It surpasses beyond compare. It's a relief when you wander along the beach and make your reflections as you observe the sunset over the horizon. Feeling nostalgic is something you feel within. Just don't overdo it else you're bound to see your thyrapist!<_>

7.2E-7 BEE

Thank you very much for sharing with me @sarimanok. I am very sorry for your loss. I know over time one focuses on just getting it done day after day, but I also know the pain never really fades away. Your reflection in your post does show your pure heart in how self reflective and philosophically it is. To know that you are very close as a family is a true blessing and speaks volumes for your role as a matriarch. My hats off to you, and glad to make your acquaintance here on HIVE. Also happy to see you using #dreemteem. It is a wonderful group of people helping each other out.

0E-8 BEE

Truly our footprint is actually our life and give a reflection on life structure. At early age the footprint will be so bright and look strong,at middle age the print will look wired and stressed, at old age the print look very weak and faded,at death its completely erased by others footprints.
Nice post.

0.00017417 BEE

Well said my friend. It is life's pattern no one can control. You keep moving forward whether we like it or not. Yesterday is already our history. Therefore we should take heed in our actions before acting on impulse which could be destructive. More often than not, such could definitely lead to regrets. We often do that, right?

I wish one of those footprints were owned by my kids trailing behind me with the bigger one by my hubby. All I can do is reminiscing the good old days for such thing will never be the same again.

I am glad to meet you here and I hope it won't end here. Have a nice day ahead my friend!

0E-8 BEE

Hello dear @sarimanok

We are glad you are in our community. You will surely be able to make good contributions to the main topic we have.💪

We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the community rules, which you find at the beginning of the feed on the right side. This way you will see what we want our fellow authors to comply with, such as the number of words, the feeling or emotion clearly identified in the title, tags, etc. In this way you will be able to see the valuable effort we all make to deliver quality content. Here are also some references that you may find useful:🔍

Emotions & Feelings community theme.
Guide to publishing Emotions & Feelings community
Correct use of fonts (in Spanish)
Newbies Guide (in English)
Resource Guide (in Spanish).

HIVE is a beautiful place. And the more transparent we are, the better. We will build higher quality, meet fantastic people, and good rewards can come our way.🙂

We are sure that by applying those suggestions we will be able to see you here again bringing quality content, as expressed in rule number 3 of our community. ⚖️

Greetings 🌟

0.00017424 BEE

Hi,thanks for the warm welcome. Yes, I've seen the theme for this week. I hope to give justice to it.

0E-8 BEE

Hermosa analogía de la vida, todos seremos hojas secas al final, pero que en su trayectoria dieron mucho en el camino, saludos

0.00017369 BEE

Beautiful analogy of life, we will all be dry leaves in the end, but in their career they gave a lot along the way, greetings...

De hecho, amiga mía, alguna vez estuvieron tan llenos de vida, pero todo en este mundo tiene un fin. ¡Gracias por la visita amiga!

0E-8 BEE

Es ley de vida, un ciclo que hay que cerrar. Aunque parezca cruel

0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(9/15) tipped @sarimanok

0E-8 BEE