Wrestling with Worry

For some months now, I have been thinking about a lot and those thoughts have affected me till now when I feel stressed, frustrated and worried. I get worried a lot even when I know what the Holy Scripture says. I believe in the promises of God and that I do not need to be anxious about anything especially tomorrow, knowing tomorrow would sort itself out. But I still find myself thinking and worried about the question, what next?


Every time a new month comes, I feel more anxious because my service to my fatherland is getting closer to the end and after that, what next in my life? What would I do next? Where do I go from here? All these questions have preoccupied my mind that I struggle with just trusting God's promises while allowing Him to do His work and facing the reality of life that I must do something real quick if I don't want to just stay idle indoors without getting a job just to secure the spot so that I don't need to be worried about that once I am done with my service.

I overheard the discussion of two ladies recently where one of them was happy that a job had been secured for her and that once she finished her Nysc service, she would resume. I shook my head silently and said in my mind, "Lucky her". But I still find myself avoiding these negative thoughts in me but to let things flow naturally. Another thought is that since I have Hive which I could be using to keep myself busy till I find a good job, why worry myself again? I want to be grateful for this even though I feel like I need more.


These thoughts led to a mental disorientation of me yesterday and I knew I needed to take things slowly. It was a day where my mind felt so scattered, juggling too many thoughts and tasks which got me confused about my destination and the input of a wrong date. I had entered a different bank and spent some minutes trying to resolve an issue with my account only to find out I was in the wrong place.

I got to the right bank and still had to fill in the wrong date, my brain struggled to keep track of the simple details, it was like my mind had travelled a long time from me, I was too absentminded and I knew something was wrong with me.

I narrated my ordeal on my WhatsApp status and within a few minutes, I got messages in my DM from people encouraging me to take things easy, my childhood friend called immediately to ask what was wrong, I explained to her, she understood and gave me some soothing words. I felt good again.

I would be ending my service in the next 3 - 4 weeks. I have contacted two schools and one has told me to remind them once school resumes this month so they can do whatever they want to do. I am hoping it turns out well for me, and not only that, hoping for a job that pays good. Though teachers aren't paid well, I still want something good to keep me busy while still working towards other opportunities that lie waiting for me in the future.

My emotions are a combination of stress, frustration, bewilderment, absentmindedness and sadness that has filled my mind knowing what is ahead of me, especially with responsibilities around me and I am trying to keep to myself not to get worried to the extent that I would hurt myself in the process.

I want to be good to myself by not allowing negative thoughts in my mind to make me feel I am not doing my best. I strongly believe in God because I read the scripture daily just to keep me strong and patient instead of letting things control me when I could have been calm to see how things unfold with the help of God.

I know things will be well and I will surely be fine. I still need to be grateful that I have something helping me to sort out my bills and attend to my responsibilities. What if Hive is not here, how do I cope then? I'm grateful always for this opportunity.

First image:Monstera Production || Second image:KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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0.26510734 BEE

Oh dear Princess ❣️ I can relate to that feeling of what's next after the service year. Do not be hard on yourself, take things easy, okay, and I pray something great regarding your next move and a great job comes your way.

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Amen 🙏
Thank you, mama for your encouraging words ❤️

0E-8 BEE

I can glimpse through your narrative that you are a believer in the holy word, but there is something that we always struggle to keep in mind and apply in our lives and that is faith and trust that he always fights our battles and rewards us in a special way.
When these thoughts invade you remember his powerful promises and take refuge there, I assure you that all will be well soon you will share it with us through this medium.
A big hug 🤗 😘 😘


0E-8 BEE

Thank you for understanding my point. Yes, it's always a struggle trying to have a strong faith in the Lord but we have to keep trying. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Happy weekend to you ❤️

0E-8 BEE

I can understand your situation and many people feel the same at such kind of stage. I am also in the same stage but I don't feel worried about it because I believe in myself and my god. I think time will give all the answers and l can avoid those negative thoughts easily. So, I suggest you not to be worried. Just chill and try your best when you get any opportunity. That's all.

0E-8 BEE

Yea, I will definitely try my best and to believe in God. Thank you so much, Intishar for encouraging me again.

0E-8 BEE

Good morning, Princess. Now, I have a lot to say. Let me start by saying that I woke up this morning to engage on Hive, and your post is the third post I’d be reading today. I’m so glad I came across this post.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday- Psalm 37:4-7.

Trust your creator and he shall direct your steps, Princess. I know you do trust him, and I want you to keep your faith intact. Your emotions are valid. We are humans and sometimes it is okay to worry about our lives.

Before gaining admission to the university, I had always wanted to study Law. I performed well in my Jamb, Waec, and Jupeb exams. In Nigeria, some courses are not recommended due to limited job opportunities after graduation. People often advise against pursuing certain courses if you want to secure a job after school. Law is considered a viable option in Nigeria, so I decided to pursue it. Unfortunately, things didn't work out as planned.

I almost gave up, Princess. For days, I was sad. Every day, I’d go online and read about people who studied my course- I found out so many of them are roaming the streets, Jobless. But as time went on, I sat down and analyzed my whole life. I concluded that even though Nigeria is not favorable, I have my plans. Big plans. And the most reassuring part is that my Lord has my back. He will guide my steps. Surely, good things shall lol follow me.

Princess, it is okay to feel worried, but I assure you that you’ll figure everything out.

Good luck, ma.
Have a great day.🌹🌹🌹

0E-8 BEE

Wow. I kept smiling reading this because of your beautiful words of encouragement. Sincerely, I am so glad seeing someone come by and leaving such amazing comment is enough to keep me going about my day.

Unfortunately, things didn't work out as planned.

Fortunately, I was reading my morning devotion today and saw the exact phrase and I am more strong to keep holding onto God's promises and trusting Him. Favour, thanks for adding your experience too and I appreciate it so much. 😊 God will help us all.

0E-8 BEE

It is so good You have find a place like Hive that help You in your way of selfdevelopment. I have encounter too. I am sure You Will keep going on and rice to manage the worry thoughts.

0E-8 BEE

Yes, I will surely do. Hive is one of the best things that has happened to me. Thank you for reading and leaving a nice comment.

0E-8 BEE