The SPORTS:SWAP.HIVE pool has not been paying out rewards for over 25 days now due to a misunderstanding for how Hive Engine's distribution contracts work. Once we realized LP rewards were not being distrubted to LPs we ended up pulling our last Liquidity Rewards proposal so we could prepare a fix for this. Fortunately we have a fairly easy remedy.
We will need to create a new Hive Engine distribution contract that will distribute rewards to liquidity providers. This contract only costs 100 BEE to be created. Once this proposal hits funding we will purchase a new distribution using the following parameters:
Strategy Type: Diesel Pool
Number of Payments: 5555
Excluded Accounts: None
Bonus Curve Settings: N/A
Once our distribution contract is in place we will issue a new Liquidity Rewards proposal to reestablish the daily rewards for users who provide liquidty to the the SPORTS:SWAP.HIVE pool.
We would like to request funding of 600,000 SPORTS starting on 10/24 running through 10/30. This request is based on 100 BEE equaling roughly 35 SWAP.HIVE and the equivalant coming to around 3,250,000 SPORTS.
To vote to approve this proposal please visit:
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