Looking forward to 2025

I'll be the first to admit it was a bit disappointing this past weekend to watch the Detroit Tigers lose in Game 5 to the Cleveland Guardians. I'm sure there are many people who weren't surprised at all. By all rights, the Tigers were lucky to even be playing that game. The way it sounds, no one expected them to be in the playoffs at all. It was a late season push and some good play in the Widcard games that got them where they needed to be.

All with a club salary that is lower than the salary of a single player in some of the franchises. Pretty impressive if you ask me. What I actually find more exciting is the fact that we get to do it all over again next year. It would seem Detroit is working on a new philosophy in the Motor City and at least so far it is working for them.

It might have taken half a season to get their legs under them, but I am really looking forward to seeing how they move forward from here. As the title indicates, 2025 could be a really good year for the Detroit Tigers. Assuming they can keep building on what they have going.

Meanwhile, my niece has just a couple more tournaments with her travel softball team this fall, then she will be shifting into basketball mode until next Spring when school softball season starts. @mrsbozz and I are actually traveling down to Ohio one of these weekends to check out two or three of her games. I am looking forward to that. We haven't watched her play in person since our trip to Colorado.

Sadly, though, as I look a the schedule, it appears the Lady Lasers Scarlet are going to be facing off against a lot of the same faces that we have seen them play in the past. Cincy Doom, Ohio Outlaws, and Team Pennsylvania on Saturday, then Ohio Cobras and Firecrackers on Sunday. That Cobra's organization is a new one for me, so we will see how that goes.

They did play this past weekend while @mrsbozz and I were bar hopping in Traverse City, MI. Their first game on Saturday morning was a 6 to 5 win against a Turnin2 team. They actually went up 6 to 0 in the first inning, but then they allowed the other team to claw back.

Their second game was a 3 to 4 loss against a PLR White team, and finally on Saturday, they had a 2 to 0 win over a Unity team.

Sunday gave them two games, the first being a 1 to 6 loss to an Outlaws team, but a different one than they are going to face this weekend. Then after that game, they had a 4 to 2 win over an Ohio Hawks team.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Lady Lasers finish out the 2024 year and hoping what they have built this season can carry over to the 2025 season. They have some new faces on the roster and I think it is still taking a bit of time for the team to fully gel.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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Met a lifelong Lions fan at the bar yesterday. We had a nice chat about how enthusiastic and emotionally attached to this season he and other fans have become. I know this post is about baseball but that just came to my mind.

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No worries! Sports are universal. It is pretty crazy how frantic people have become. I remember last year my wife was sick of it because that's all anyone talked about. Especially closer to the playoffs. We already have a teacher where I work who has been off more than she has worked because she keeps traveling to Lions games. Because who cares about stability and routine for the kids right?

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haha.. the kids will be ok. She's gotta take advantage of this magic while she can!

I saw an AI list that someone fed all the stats into from this year and it placed the Lions as the number 1 pick for winning the Super Bowl this year. It was close but I'm sure that would make you and many other Michigan peeps very happy if that were to happen. It's been a long time since the Lions were in a Super Bowl... haha.. never is a really long time ago.

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