Let's Play Among us

0.51687517 BEE

I'm tired of talking to both of you. Which of the two is more obsessed with me? I will only speak to those who are more obsessed with me. You guys talk and decide and answer me

0.00021071 BEE

The game that made me join the world of hive.
I downloaded discord to my phone to play this game. Later, they talked about hive on a channel I was involved in, and that's how I came here.

6E-8 BEE

I didn't play Among Us but it seems so fun, at least watching it was fun! You just played so cool with the orange in first game 😄

0E-8 BEE

The game seems fun.
To be honest, though, I forwarded it at some point.
It's really fun though.

0E-8 BEE

You are really good at this. I am gonna try this among us.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for curation @newsflash!


0E-8 BEE