I'm chemist. I also love music, maths, watercolor painting, making photos and NFTs.
Witness - Creator of HiveBuzz, HiveSQL, HiveAuth, Engage, Hive.NET, Hive Recovery, Hive Autoclaim, Xfer
2.91697283 BEE
Vote Value
0.00025593 BEE
🌐🚀 http://D.Buzz : The #1 decentralized #MicroBlogging platform! Embrace censorship-resistance, Buzz like a BEE, & flourish in a decentralized #Web3.
0.85912767 BEE
Vote Value
0.00007538 BEE
Love Sniper
OCD's Introduction Post Curation Initiative This is OCD's effort to give love to new users to hopefully retain them in Hive.
0.09997064 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000877 BEE
Main account is @ahmadmanga... Microblogging on #DBuzz all day + Small posts I don't want to clutter the main account with.
1.28436293 BEE
Vote Value
0.00011269 BEE