What type of risk is worth taking in order to achieve financial freedom

Hello lovely people of Hive and leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your good health and spirit. Friends, risk is associated with every investment. There is no investment in the world without risk but we have to risk in order to achieve financial freedom.



People like financial freedom because it provide an opportunity to live tension free life. A life where you have no tension of earning money. It is a fact that we all humans need to earn money to meet our basic needs. Unlike, machine human body needs rest as body detoriartes with age. At that time, people want financial freedom in their life.

As I told you that every investment is a risk but this is the way can grow. Your saving in the form of money is not good enough to achieve financial freedom. I am not against the saving money. Saving money is important but it doesn't gurranttee you to achieve financial freedom. Unfortunately, in my part of the world money has been depriciated more than 70% due to poor economic conditions. This reveals the saving money is not enough to achieve financial freedom. Even if you want to save money invest in the form of precious material like gold and silver. Such investment involves little or no risk.

Now the question arise in our mind, what type of risk is worth taking to achieve financial freedom. Calculated risks are acceptable which help you to grow. I am not saying blindly taking risk on investment. In order to reduce risk first step is to furnish yourself with knowledge and skill. It is important for your growth. Better understanding about the product will help you to make better decision. Your decision making must be based on some research instead of blindly following the market trend. There are many business which are less riskier like investment in well planned business, real estate etc.

There is no need to take huge leverage on trading if you don't understand the market dynamics, trends and chart. You may loose all your equity. This is the common mistakes which a lot of people do due to greed and getting rich as quickly as possible. It can be sorted out by improving your knowledge and skill.

Remember the simple rules like never ever invest those equity which you don't afford to loose. Same way never take loan for investment specially crypto investment which is very very risky.

Another worth taking risk is to select multiple projects for investment instead of one project. Diversify you portfolio and it will reduced the risk on investment. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

0.02888837 BEE

risk is part of every investment but a calculated risk is what differentiates a good investment from a bad one

0.00247388 BEE

Every one desire financial freedom but few are ready to pay for it. I wrote something about financial freedom in my recent post. You can also check it out

0.00237248 BEE

Life is a risk, not taking risk Is also a risk, so it is better to take a risk that you have 50% chance that you can fail or success then for you to take a risk that you are 100% chance that you won't make it, because you didn't take the opportunity.

0.00231252 BEE

When a person does not take risk and does not invest money, then he will never be able to become a rich person, nor will he ever be able to earn a good profit. Within a short period of time he can become a good and rich person and earn very good profits.

0.00219161 BEE

For me financial freedom is a goal that I aspire to reach with all my might
One where I don't have to worry if something is missing.
Where I can indulge my whims.
The risk is worth it for me in the end every sacrifice is worth it if it comes to this even if I have to lose my money for it.
Life is a constant struggle ⚔️

Para mi la libertad financiera es una meta que aspiro alcanza con toda mi fuerza
Una donde no me debo preocuparme si falta algo
Donde puedo darme mis caprichos.
El riesgo si lo vale para mí al final todo sacrificio vale la pena si se llega a esto aunque tenga que perder mi dinero por ello
La vida es una lucha constante ⚔️

0.00213368 BEE

attaining financial freedom comes with a huge price to pay. To pay the price you just can't help but take risks but make sure they are well calculated have you as mentioned. To fail to plan means one has planned to fail .

0E-8 BEE