Listen the influencer but act on your own research and evidence

Hello lovely people of Hive and Leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, being new in crypto world, you have no knowledge and experience about the market dynamics. Lack of knowledge may suffer you from big loss. Now, the question arise in our mind, how to avoid these losses and become successful in one of the most volatile market of the world called crypto market.


Never, afraid of, if you are newbie in crypto world. Remember there is always a first time for you in any job. Just imagine a kid who come in this world with an art of weeping only but he learn a lot of things due to his dedication, determination and confidence. If one can grow, you can also grow.

It is a fact that new user commit mistakes. But the same things applied for the old user. They also commit mitakes. Mistakes are actually good as it increase our knowledge and skill. You can encounter mistakes by learning from other mistakes. We are lucky to have Hive and Leofinance available with us, where many user share their personal experience and the mistakes committed in this crypto journey.

One of the best way to increase your confidence is do your own research. I am not against following the influencer. Listening influencer is actually a good thing as it will increase your knowledge and know how about the market. But never blindly follow the influencer. One of the major drawback of blindly following the influencer is that it will never improve your decision making skill and confidence. Like others, influencers also may commit mistakes. Another draw back of influencer is that it do paid content which may give you huge loss. Btter to learn from your own mistake instead of blindly following the influencer.

Never stop the learning process. Keep improving yourself, and learn new things with dedication, determination. More resourceful will help you better understanding of market dynamics, which will help to enhance your confidence level. Remember nothing is impossible in this world. Even the word impossible itself says that I am possible.

There is no need to worry if you are new in crypto world. Just try to learn new things on daily basis. It will help you to grow your crypto portfolio. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.


There is no doubt that cryptocurrency is the most volatile market in our current dispensation, and been new in the game comes with losses but with the help of community like @leofinance and other top crypto experience persons, that share their experience on daily basis, they is no need for one to make the same mistake.
What you just have to do is to listen to them and follow their lead, and this article is a great way to start your crypto experience l. Thank you.


Indeed the crypto market is very volatile and it becomes very easy to follow the influencers as FOMO sets in.
Doing own research is the best way to protect our investment for sure


You have done it right, people should do their own research and don't believe what people on YouTube say at all, they take money and do all the things they are told.
