Ever dreamt of glasses that could adapt faster than a chameleon at an art show? Well, DeepOptics are bringing the future to your face with their 32°N shades.

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So, what's the secret sauce, you ask? It's not a wand or a sprinkle of fairy dust; it's the pixelated liquid crystal lenses that make these shades the cool cats of eyewear technology. These lenses, packed with tiny electronic pixels changes the optical game of your glasses.

According to Yariv Haddad, the brains behind DeepOptics, these lenses are like the shape-shifting superheroes of the eyewear universe. Unlike other optical tech with moving parts, these liquid crystal lenses electronically morph without the need for a grand spectacle of moving and shaking. And these lenses won't weigh you down or make you feel like you're carrying a mini-library on your face. Haddad assures us that the added tech won't turn your glasses into a dumbbell for your nose. Plus, there's a bonus—these glasses are like a fine wine; they get better with age. Thanks to their update-friendly nature, you can keep rocking them with new magnification profiles, making you the trendsetter in the eyewear game.

The magic ingredient here is the liquid crystal lens, strutting its stuff just like the LCD screens in your TV and phone. A layer of liquid crystal on a pixelated matrix, where tiny electrical signals changes the lens's refractive powers.

Now, behind the curtain of style and wizardry lies a small processor, battery, and a dash of Bluetooth magic embedded in the polymer frame. Don't worry; it's not a power-hungry monster. The 32°N shades need just a smidge of power to activate their shape-shifting lenses.

These magical shades are the talk of the town, shortlisted for this year's Dezeen Awards. And what's next on DeepOptics' magical roadmap? They're gearing up to sprinkle their liquid crystal lens magic on glasses for the nearsighted gang.
DeepOptics is also conjuring up a prototype that reads your mind—well, almost. With eye-tracking sensors, your glasses will switch modes automatically, because who has time to swipe when your glasses can do the thinking for you?

So, get ready to step into the future, where your glasses are not just accessories but accomplices in your daily adventures. The 32°N shades are here to make your vision quest a magical journey.
