Improving the Open Orders Page might encourage users to increase trading on HIVE Engine


I hope to increase the total amount of my bids on #HIVE-Engine in 2024.

Unfortunately it is difficult to monitor the value of open orders.

The HIVE Engine Open Orders shows all of the orders but does not show the total of the orders.

I request that the designers of Hive-Engine add a summary row to the list orders on this page.

Computers are really good at summing columns. To emphasize this, I asked Dall-E to create an image of a robot summing a column.

In most cases adding a summary to a column is a superficial task. I suspect that the change could be made without major changes to the platform.

One should only total the "total HIVE" row as the "quantity of coins" is meaningless.

There is one subtlety worth noticing. The Open Orders page shows buy buy and sell orders.

Buy and Sell orders are fundamentally different. The Total HIVE value of a buy order is real liquid HIVE. When I cancel the order, the HIVE returns to my account.

The Total HIVE column for SELL orders is a fantasy. I could list an order to sell a #CENT for a million dollars. The Total HIVE of a sell order is just a fantasy.

It would be best to sum the Buy and Sell orders separately as one could do in the following pseudo code:

  buyTotal = 0;
  sellTotal = 0;
  for each order in openOrders {
    // display row
    if (orderType == "buy") {
      buyTotal += order.amount;
    } else {
      sellTotal += order.amount;
  println "Total Buy Orders: ".buyTotal." HIVE ";
  println "Total Sell Orders: ".sellTotal." HIVE ";

I believe that showing the HIVE totals of open orders might inspire HIVE investors to put more transactions on the line which would increase the liquidity of the platform.

Liquidity Goes Both Ways

HIVE Engine suffers a serious lack of liquidity. There is usually only a few small orders at the BUY and there is often a huge gap between sale and ask.

People often notice the lack of liquidity when they go to sell. However, the lack of liquidity goes both ways.

Imagine a HIVE user who has 10 free HIVE to invest in coins. The tokenomics of HE coins is wicked. Imagine a coin that pays 20% in curation rewards a year. Half goes to the author and half to the curator; so the curator gets 10%

Now, imagine a curator with 10 HIVE to invest in coins. The potential curator will despair on seeing that the gap between BUY and ASK is usually 20% or more.

It takes several years of curation just to make up for the gap on HIVE Engine.

Potential curators become even more frustrated because evil bots automatically outbid all orders by 0.00000001 HIVE.

I am interested in both the lack of liquidity for buyers and sellers.

I want to increase the number of open sale orders on my account.

I like to add my sell orders to the ASK price when the amount on the ASK is reasonable. I place just below the ask if it is not.

When there is an evil bot trolling the market for a coin, I like to place multiple orders just to see how far I can pus the bot. This game increases the money humans get when they sell to the bot.


HIVE-Engine appears to have a liquidity problem. The problem goes in both directions. The lack of BUY orders hampers people wanting to sell.

Even worse the lack of SELL orders discourages potential curators who want to buy in.

The best way to solve this problems is for users to use their free coins to place active buy and sell orders.

Listing the total HIVE of the BUY and SELL orders on the Open Orders Page might encourage users to do this.

Posted using Tribaldex Blog
