The quintessential entertainment district in Fukuoka, Japan


Nakasu is a district that is dedicated exclusively to fun, in fact it is the largest located in the western part of the country. Thus, located in the city of Fukuoka Nakasu is the reference point in this city.

Thus, built on a sandbank 1,500 m long and 250 m wide, Nakasu boasts an incredible number of establishments that exceed 2,000 establishments where there are bars, cinemas, nightclubs and of course, restaurants where you can access to noodles or soba (that is, the traditional thin noodles used in Japanese cuisine based on buckwheat flour)

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Furthermore, with regard to the natural landscape, it is important to mention the bank of the Naka River, which crosses the district, and which serves as a rest area for the Japanese after their work hours.

It is also important to note that during July 1 and 15, film festivals are held and this is when the streets are decorated with many lanterns due to the different parades. A district that becomes really impassable but full of color and joy.

To enjoy a good meal, I recommend the Nakasu Takasho restaurant located at 11-8 Kamikawabatamachi, Hakata-ku, Kawabata Chuo Bdg 2F, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture 812-0026

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