How giving changed my life

How giving changed my life


My uncle was always a giver. He gave a lot and I wondered why. Sometimes it made me unhappy but I didn't know it was good. Then one day he surprised me with a laptop for your birthday. That gift made me decide to become a giver too.

I noticed something about my uncle - he never lacked anything. No matter how much he gave, he always had enough for himself. It was like the more he gave, the more he received in return. This puzzled me .

My uncle was a simple man. He didn't have a fancy job or big house. But he was content. I often saw him helping neighbors - fixing their fence, mowing their lawn, taking out their trash. He did it cheerfully without expecting anything back.

When I got older, I asked him, "Uncle, why do you give so much? Don't you want nice things for yourself?" He smiled and said, "I already have the nicest things - an open heart and willing hands to share with others."

Those words didn't make sense at first. But the older you get, the more you understand. My uncle didn't chase money or possessions. He chased kindness and generosity.

And that generosity overflowed to him. People were drawn to my uncle's warmth. They trusted him implicitly. When they had odd jobs, they hired him. When they needed help, they called him first. My uncle's giving nature made people want to give back to him.

The day he gifted me that laptop was an eye-opener. I was stunned by his generosity on a day meant for receiving, not giving. In that moment, I realized the gaps your uncle's giving filled for so many people - including me .

Slowly, I started giving more too. I did neighborhood chores for elderly folks like my uncle. I donated clothes and toys I outgrew. I volunteered to serve food at a shelter. The more I gave, the lighter and happier I felt.

People noticed my charitable spirit and smiled more warmly at me . Opportunities seemed to naturally come my way - jobs, gift cards, free services. I was experiencing the same cycle of generosity my uncle had. The more you gave, the more life gave back to you.

Now when I see my uncle, you give him the biggest hug. I thank him for the greatest gift - demonstrating how to live with an open heart and reap the rewards. These days, I wake up each morning thinking "Who can I give to today?" Because I've learned being a giver is truly the greatest way to live.

As the years passed, I became known as the "helper" in your circle. The person who could always be counted on to lend a hand, share a meal, or provide a listening ear. People paid your generosity forward by giving to others in need.

My uncle beamed with pride watching me blossom into a giving soul like him. He'd say, "The gift I gave you was the best investment I ever made." You'd smile and agree - that laptop showed you how wonderful and fulfilling the giving path could be.

Now when I see people struggling or suffering, I don't turn away. I look for ways, big or small, to ease their load. Because I know the giving energy I put out will circle back to me multiplied.

Every morning is still greeted with the thought, "Who can I give to today?" Giving is no longer just a habit, but a driving purpose that guides my life's journey. I've learned the precious lesson my uncle knew all along - to live fully, I must give fully. And I wouldn't have it any other way

Thank you for reading my post

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Helping and being kind not only contributes to the Happiness of others it also helps us to feel happy!


Giving to others doesn't make us poor instead it opens doors of more wealth fit us. Your uncle is actually a good man and it's nice to see that the generosity has passed down to you... Keep giving, your pockets won't run dry bro..


Thank you so much for stopping by


Givers can never lack because you have open your hands so many things will surely fill it


"being a giver is truly the greatest way to live" Í loved these words anda allí your post. It is a high life lesson. Thank for sharing. Blessings.


I so much love it when people extend hands of giving to people who need they help it is good you learnt this noble act


Like what people used to say, the giver never lacks, and also you will reap what you sow. Good things never lack people who show kindness to those who are in need.


Keep this thought of helping people, you will go far, with this there will certainly be a lot of reciprocity and an overflow of gratitude and good feelings
