A Talk with my friend about his upcoming wedding

People loved wedding because that's a once in a lifetime that a person or a couple could ever experience in their whole life and some will give efforts and make a big budget out of it. Last two days ago, we had a talked with my friend about his upcoming wedding for the next month and he had lots of plans and also his budgets.

There are lots of topics about the wedding that we talked about and it took us for almost three hours of talking about that. Some were related to the wedding and also the current news and others were plans after the wedding. I am as much as excited for his wedding day.

While we were talking about the wedding, I shared to him about the recent news in the Philippines which is about the recent incident on one of the wedding where the priest started his preaching while the bride didn't finished walking into the aisle and the priest who was assigned was angry at them while preaching. It has led to a miscommunication from the priest party and to the couple's party. I told him about my opinion about this and at that time, there were no news from the parish itself, he said that there's a lot of miscommunication from their end because of that one godmother of the bride and groom's side were to be blamed for telling them that their schedule was postponed from 8am to 9:30am.

After we talked about that, he then talked about his wedding plans, and stuffs and then he told me that I am one of the groom's men which is my first time of me becoming a groom's men together with our friends in our college years. That also surprised me of that news and I am delighted by that. I knew that they have been couple for a few years now and I witness them to be together on my college years.

There were lots of preparations that he made and also suggestions that he can receive from the upcoming wedding and some were motifs of the wedding, the schedule, the venue, and also when will it be. We had a long night talked about that because he wants to finalized it in one of these days because his wedding is fast approaching.

All I remember before when I participated in a wedding that I was a ring bearer and nothing else and it was way back years when I was an elementary student. He laughs at me about my first time to become one of his groom's men.

After I heard that I am one of the grooms men, I told him that I would definitely make time for this and I will make a leave in my company that I am working for from this event because I also want to witness his day of his wedding. I congratulate him on his upcoming wedding.

He talks about her all the time that my friend really loved her and I said to him that that will be your wife someday and I am not mistaken because a month from now, they will be having a wedding together. How time flies and I think it's almost 5 years since I graduated from my college but it seems that it was just yesterday that we graduated from our college.

There were lots of memories that we had together when we were in college and he found his other half in that college years because all the time he was single during our first years up until we were in fourth year but on the fifth year, he found her and the rest was history. I am happy for him and his bride to be.

Note: The first photo was edited by myself using Canva




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Weddings are a wonderful time, hopefully your friend isn’t spending too much money on it because that’s not worth it. It’s important to have the people around, enjoy yourselves and not go crazy because a wedding is about the family and people around us, not spending money to spend it. They will have much more success if they minimize the spending unnecessarily!


It depends on them on what kind of wedding do they have but for me, I would also not spend too much for a wedding. Some or most of the couple do like to have their wedding an extravagant one because they like to be a memorable wedding that can happen once in their lifetime.
