What are professional artists say about Stable Diffusion / AI art? Spoiler: some artists hate it and would like to ban training with their art


Mittlerweile haben sich nach der Explosion der ganzen KI-basierten Bildgeneratoren viele Künstler und professionelle Grafiker zu Wort gemeldet.

Im Prinzip gibt es zwei Gruppen. Die einen sehen KI eher als neues, nützliches Werkzeug, um ihre Arbeit noch effizienter zu erledigen, ihre Kreativität und Möglichkeiten zu steigern, während die andere der Entwicklung eher skeptisch gegenübersteht.

Ein Teil hasst KI sogar, vermutlich aus Angst, dass die eigene Arbeit weniger geschätzt wird, wenn KIs auf Knopfdruck bessere Bilder generieren können als man selbst. Daher fordern sie Verbote. Viele Webseiten lehnen KI-generierten Content mittlerweile ab. Auch das Trainieren mit den eigenen Bildern würden sie der KI am liebsten verbieten.

"Rise against the Machine" sozusagen.

Wer wird diesen Kampf eurer Meinung nach gewinnen? Ist es legitim, dass KIs mit urheberrechtlich geschützten, aber im Internet öffentlich zugänglichen Bildern und Texten trainiert werden? Lernen Menschen nicht auch von bestehenden Kunstwerken und lassen sich von diesen inspirieren?

What are professional artists say about Stable Diffusion / AI art?


Artists vs. AI, AI-generated illustration (Stable Diffusion)

Vin Hill

I'm a senior concept artist working in the games industry and we talk about this a lot as you can imagine. I don't agree with anyone that will says AI will replace all of us, but It will absolutely reduce our numbers drastically in the next decade.

I hear the blasé analogies every day "printing press, film cutters" etc. but those technologies came slowly over decades and we're not talking about the shifted cutters to become digital editors here, we're talking about complete displacement.

Computers and cameras took two decades to slow phase over, it gave film cutters time to learn digital editing software. What we're seeing is happening much faster and its going to displace entire industries.

More and more creative jobs are getting reduced to code which means that the only people creating 2D and 3D are seniors/art directors typing prompts, the gap between Junior and Senior is growing wider by the week and the juniors are going to find it harder to break in, if they can at all.

Within 10 years time, this technology will come to 3D, Programmers and Creative Writers and more; forcing us out of work to do what? What do we transition too if all things creative are due to be taken by AI? Its a profound question to ask but its becoming more of a reality every day.



My main issue as an aspiring artist is that I don’t think people will ask for my permission to train their image generating AI with my work. I don‘t want that. It is my work. They shouldn‘t be allowed to just take it. And the only way i could prevent it is by not posting and sharing at all. That is not an option.


Hannah FBR

one of my friends is at uni to become a concept artist for games. I'm currently at college to become a music producer and composer. Both of us are very worried about our future careers being snapped out of existence.



I think as an artist, with could be used as a good personal tool. Example your writing a graphic novel, train your ai on main characters, and only on your own art, as you write more and train it more. The outputs could become useful for either placeholders, storyboarding, or near finalized images. Improving the speed of your work.


Stefan Andersson

I think you covered the topic pretty well, but you missed maybe the most important part - most artists enjoy making art, not just the idea-part of it but the actual craft of it.

Historically, we've been automating away jobs that are dangerous and/or tedious and the promise was always that in the future, all of the boring jobs will be gone and we'll be left with the stuff that enriches our lives. This ain't it. I think it's super cool and using AI as a tool, for example, to brainstorm ideas is great.

But we are rapidly making human art obsolete, and you can't really handwave that away with "artist will just become art directors" because many - if not most - artists don't want to just sit and write prompts. And by introducing this option that is a million times cheaper and faster, they won't have a say in the matter.


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Meanwhile, after the explosion of all the AI-based image generators, many artists and professional graphic designers have spoken out.

In principle, there are two groups. The first group sees AI more as a new, useful tool to do their work even more efficiently, to increase their creativity and possibilities, while the other is rather skeptical about the development.

Some even hate AI, presumably out of fear that one's own work will be valued less if AIs can generate better images than oneself at the push of a button. Therefore, they call for bans. Many websites now reject AI-generated content. They would also prefer to ban the AI from training with their own images.

Rise against the machine.

Who do you think will win this battle? Is it legitimate for AIs to be trained with images and texts that are copyrighted but publicly available on the Internet? Don't humans also learn from existing works of art and get inspired by them?

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets

Posted with STEMGeeks


"Viele Webseiten lehnen KI-generierten Content mittlerweile ab"

Gibt es eigentlich Möglichkeiten, sowas per Filer oder ähnliches zu erkennen?

Hab mich mit dem Thema noch nicht so sehr befasst.


Es ist im Moment mehr eine Policy, eine ablehnende Haltung, Diskriminierung, die allerdings schwer zu exekutieren ist, da die Grenzen fließend sind, auch Photoshop hat bereits sehr viele AI-basierte Tools integriert. Es gibt Tools, die AI-generierte Kunst und Texte erkennen können, diese lassen sich aber auch austricksen und manchmal erkennen sie echte Kunst als AI-Kunst (False Positives).

Reddit hat mich zum Beispiel vor Kurzem gebannt. Ich kann dort nichts mehr posten, meine Postings werden automatisch gefiltert und nicht mehr angezeigt:




Danke für die Info 😊

Ich denke am Ende des Tages werden sich beide Seiten irgendwie arrangieren.

War bis jetzt, wenn im Bereich der Technik denke, fast immer so.

Außerdem ist es jetzt auch "da" und wird nicht mehr verschwinden. Verbieten ist ja quasi auch unmöglich.


This will be just one tool just like many others but at some point it will replace human manual work in some areas, just like machine did in the past, is the evolution working...


Me as an artist... Ai is cool. Its just a new way of art and doesn't mean that classical art dies! And ai prompt engineering is a new job in future. Surely some old art jobs will die or get less, but this always happens to jobs. I don't think that digitalart or mechanical art will die at all. People panic toooo fast instead of learning new skills. Thats only my point of view.

Super post @vikisecrets hope you have a great day. Hive hugs to ya


thx, good point, haha prompt engineer is new job created by AI :)


Lmao. Nono, its really called AI prompt engineering no joke, for people which know exactly how to speak to the AI to get what they want from the AI. There are some tricks in the prompts, easy to learn. I watched some YouTube viddeos about it. Really interesting. Specially for chat GPT...


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It will be hard to completely replace a true master. AI is good but still has it's limitations. In the future though all bets are off, some guy coding for five minutes might be able to accurately reproduce a Monet. For better or worse it's here, and artists are going to have to learn to accept it, and maybe learn to work with it.


I can see why artists might not like it, especially using their work to form code. All they can do is join the party, it's here to stay.


I think that AI is a great tool that democratizes creativity for those of us who have ideas but no talent to carry them out. AI will win


Diese Künstler werden schon rein von der technischen Seite her nicht verhindern können, dass irgendjemand eine KI mit ihren Bildern trainiert.


Kann ich gut verstehen, dass Künstler da sehr skeptisch sind.


It's so realistic. Sometimes difficult to see the difference between ai and original !


AI is awesome, but I think there will always be human artists. It might be less, but always there.


So etwas (hier am Beispiel von Gerhard Richter)


entsteht durch Inspiration – vollkommen ohne KI. Am künstlerischen Schaffensweg von Picasso oder Kandinsky lässt sich auch wunderbar ausmachen, wie beide im Laufe der Jahre zu wahren Vorbildern der nie enden wollenden Inspiration wurden.
Ganz zu Beginn meines Schreibens hatte ich Vorbilder, von denen ich auch so manches Mal Ideen übernahm. Bis ich nicht begriff, ohne eigenen erkennbaren Erzählstil, keine Zeile verkaufen zu können.
Auch mit dem Einsatz der KI muss der Künstler hinter dem Werk immer klar erkennbar bleiben. KI darf lediglich der etwas andere Pinsel sein.


Hi @vikisecrets,
if we think deeper, who are making these tools ? we humans, There are good and bad sides of everything , even humans have both sides like anger and calmness. See the good side of it and move on. For me nothing can be compared with the things made by human's themselves no matter who they are artist, drivers etc etc. But the technology is also doing great, we need to appreciate them also.
