Yea we've many flaws in our health system and all that needs to be corrected before we can move towards making routine checkup mandatory.
Our healthcare facilities, the man…
It's actually breaking right, because some people might just want to stick with their health status, not wanting to get people interfering with it, making it compulsory bridge…
Yea, that's just it, almost every aspect is been mismanaged and seen as an opportunity to exploit patients, we need to strike a balance in making healthcare more accessible and…
I truth when this stands is made it'll help improve people's health, and create an avenue where people can easily detect any illnesses or diseases they might have contacted…
Yea that's a good way to look at the situation, even though I wasn't happy it ended her marriage, seeing it saves her life and she has been happily married in her new marriage…
So sorry about your grandma death, it can be so painful, as I felt same way when it happened to mine, losing loved ones can be difficult to deal with, especially when such…