RE: A New Evening Ritual - Prepping Iced Cinnamon Coffee With Honey

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I am not an iced coffee lover, I prefer hot coffee, however, the way you have prepared it looks really delicious. With the heat in these parts, I would gladly drink a coffee like that.

Also, I want to say that I admire the firmness with which you quit smoking, you just decided to quit and that's it.


That's ok, everyone has their preference right? I know plenty of people using cinnamon or honey in their coffee but I've never loved it that way. Maybe I yet have to find the perfect mix one day for my hot coffee. I'm very very picky!

Thank you for the comment about smoking, I was very surprised how strong I was with the right mindset. It was a huge lesson for me as well to not start something like that when you already feel it's not going to work out (for whatever reason that may be) but wait for that moment you FEEL inside this is it.

It was really from one moment to the other that I said, I'm done. And that was it. It's something I wanted years earlier but I could not yet get rid of these connections of special moments where you have a cigarette and experience these without feeling like I missed something. It's really the mindset that needed to be just right.

My boyfriend needed a vape to quit and weaned down until he had 0 nicotine in it.. I'm just happy we both managed to quit, we smoked way too much for way too long. What a waste of money and our health..

Have a great day over there! !LADY !LUV
