A New Evening Ritual - Prepping Iced Cinnamon Coffee With Honey

My new coffee ritual.png

It is time to make a change

As with many things in life, it could take a little while (or long while) until I reach the point where I'm ready to make a change and do it with determination. Until I reach that point, I know myself well enough that it's not the right time yet (for whatever reason) to succeed in my desires to make a change. The topic this time is my coffee with sugar and powdered milk intake.

Great example

I've seen it with smoking, for years I was done with the bad habit, the taste and I realised for quite a few years already that it was the habit that was making me continue rather than the joy of sitting down with a coffee and a cigarette as it was once the case. But I don't like to be set up for failure and as I've learned a lot about myself in the past decade or so, I knew that it was not time to quit yet. I'd hate myself more for trying and failing than to sit out the time and smoke less until I was ready to say "this is it, I quit right now."

Mindset matters :)

For those that don't know, it was a success story, since that moment about 4,5 years ago, I never smoked again. There were cigarettes in the house for months after I quit, as my boyfriend could not stop cold turkey, but my mind was set, this was the last one and so I felt amazing and proud for being able to quit without any help , while he kept smoking . I'm the worst ex-smoker though, I will admit it, I hate the smell probably more than people who never smoked, lol.

Caffeine withdrawal is so much worse!

And then there was this moment, when we lived in Budapest, where I realised all my headaches were caffeine related. Here I needed a little less time to decided to call it quits because the headaches were killing me, I could not function anymore and therefore I made the choice to stop drinking coffee totally. Let me tell you that these weeks of caffeine withdrawal were MUCH worse than quitting smoking, which I had no issues with at all. I don't know how long I quit drinking it but I believe I drank my first coffee again here in Spain so my guess is about a year. It's the lifestyle here that made me get back into drinking it because of the fond memories of going to a bar to have a coffee and toast for breakfast while having the sun shining on your face.

More and more

Slowly, I noticed my caffeine intake got worse, not from drinking it outside because I had already decided my own coffee at home was more delicious than those in the bars. I'm not one that drinks the coffee purely for the caffeine shot, I want it to be a moment.. So when my homemade version is better, I will not drink it elsewhere.. But things got out of hand again and I'm also concerned about the "completa coffee creamer" which is the only thing I use to make the perfect coffee (for me) as I suspect it's not healthy at all. Last week, I made the change and stopped using "completa" completely.

No quitting this time

Instead of quitting coffee in total, this time I wanted to see if I could be happy with my own version of iced coffee instead. This means I use whole milk (maybe I will try almond later) and add cinnamon to the coffee for a nice touch in flavour. Iced coffee is a totally different experience if you ask me so I have other preferences. The first day, I still made it with sugar but then I realised I should stop the sugar intake in my coffee and use honey instead.

DIY Iced Coffee With Cinnamon And Honey (2).jpg

My evening ritual

To be able to drink a cup of iced coffee in the morning, my evening ritual now consists out of prepping 2 or 3 cups of coffee, adding cinnamon to it with honey, a bit of whole milk (while still in the cup) and then mix it well. Then I pour these cups into a big bottle which was a water bottle first, add more milk and if needed honey and cinnamon until the flavour is to my liking. You can easily test it by putting on the lid and shake it, best testing is done after it's completely cooled though.

DIY Iced Coffee With Cinnamon And Honey (1).jpg

Coffee change

Above you can see my first attempt, here I still used 2 cups, while later I changed to three, OR made less so it was more coffee-ish than milk-ish as you see there. Still delicious though! You can see there's quite a bit of cinnamon in it so I still use a spoon to stir it when I'm drinking it.

Completa coffee creamer is imported so quite expensive each month for 2 heavy coffee drinkers, of course we will start saving now that I swapped to this coffee but I also wanted to see if I could get rid of the expensive L'or coffee cups now that my coffee ritual changed. Today I bought a cheaper brand (extra strong though lol) and we'll see how that goes. One pack of 20 cups of these is 75 euro cents cheaper than one pack of 10 cups of the coffee I normally drink.

So far so good

My boyfriend sadly told me that he'd follow my example to try this right after I ordered a new load of coffee creamer. I told him please finish that first or mix it up a bit or so because otherwise that's a shame that we have so many bottles of these. I bet it will last months now, so at least that's good as I don't have to do monthly orders anymore now. I hope this will be noticeable in the budget soon, but mostly that I keep enjoying this little ritual to prep it and enjoy it while it's been cooled overnight.

Do you like iced coffee? When you do, is it store-bought or do you prep it yourself? Let me know in the comments <3

All pictures above are mine...

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'm with you on waiting until I'm completely ready to quit than to start and relapse.
Iced coffee was a good move or trial, I should say.

I'm eager to see how much more you'll see a change in your budget 😁

Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg


Haha, and it's also good to know yourself well enough that otherwise you're set up for failure ;)

I will have to see how many of the Completa my boyfriend consumes now and make a calculation because I'm very curious too. He already told me to get the cheaper coffee a while ago but I didn't fancy it when it's warm. Let's hope we can both enjoy the coffees we have now and start cutting in the coffee budget at the same time.

Have a wonderful week!


I am not an iced coffee lover, I prefer hot coffee, however, the way you have prepared it looks really delicious. With the heat in these parts, I would gladly drink a coffee like that.

Also, I want to say that I admire the firmness with which you quit smoking, you just decided to quit and that's it.


That's ok, everyone has their preference right? I know plenty of people using cinnamon or honey in their coffee but I've never loved it that way. Maybe I yet have to find the perfect mix one day for my hot coffee. I'm very very picky!

Thank you for the comment about smoking, I was very surprised how strong I was with the right mindset. It was a huge lesson for me as well to not start something like that when you already feel it's not going to work out (for whatever reason that may be) but wait for that moment you FEEL inside this is it.

It was really from one moment to the other that I said, I'm done. And that was it. It's something I wanted years earlier but I could not yet get rid of these connections of special moments where you have a cigarette and experience these without feeling like I missed something. It's really the mindset that needed to be just right.

My boyfriend needed a vape to quit and weaned down until he had 0 nicotine in it.. I'm just happy we both managed to quit, we smoked way too much for way too long. What a waste of money and our health..

Have a great day over there! !LADY !LUV


Good for you! Quitting smoking is tough... Cutting back on coffee is tough, but I think you have a great plan now. I loved iced coffee, but like I mentioned I prefer it black with no cream or sugar!

How does the cinnamon honey taste in there. I bet it must be a nice combo!


Oh thank you for replying to this message as I didn't prep my coffee yet for tomorrow haha. I was totally caught up into sorting pictures and creating a new post.

I bet this will work (at least during the summer) and then we'll just see how it goes. I will experiment with other flavours later but for now, this is my go to, I really love cinnamon and it's a great combination.

The honey doesn't make it as sweet as normal sugar, which I actually prefer. But I don't like it in the coffee when it's hot, lol.

Let me quickly prep some coffee as it's getting late already :)



Glad to be of service, a coffee reminder!


Yeah how funny is that, I write about my new evening ritual and the day of publishing it, I get sucked into some other things and almost forget.

Thanks to the universe for sending you my way in time, I appreciate it. It's all ready and now chilling in the fridge for tomorrow.



Girlfriend, I'm glad you gave up coffee. I can't tolerate the smell of it either and my mom smokes. And we are in the same case, for health reasons I have to give up coffee, but I have not succeeded, it has been impossible 😅 a hug.


Coffee with honey must be a delight, I haven't tried it yet and well, I support your idea that coffee at home tastes better... I prefer to make my own coffee and take it to work in a thermos rather than buy it on the street.


Yeah I mean, I get why people like the whole experience of a cosy coffee shop to meet up and or have a nice breakfast/lunch/snack etc.. but in the end, I always end up liking my own coffee more and wonder why I would pay several euros at least for a coffee I don't even enjoy much.. When we go somewhere, I always drink water, with the very rare occasion where I have a cocktail but that's so rare that you can count it on 1 hand every year, lol.

Thanks for stopping by!



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