Weekend Engagement - Rock Star or Volunteer?

Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 11.54.57 PM.png

Hi all, how is your weekend going so far? I just came back from an event which my friends got me along. And it is so timely that the prompt for this week's weekend engagement is whether I would like to be a Rock Star or Volunteer at a refugee camp this weekend.

Rock Star?
This is not something that I am looking out for and your ears will be in for a horrible treat if you going to listen to me sing. So yes, my choice definitely will not be a Rock Star.

Volunteer... Yes!
Incidentally, I just volunteered at an elderly daycare centre today. Apologies, we do not have a refugee camp in my country, but I believe volunteering at the elderly daycare centre is of a similar nature of giving time and doing something for the community.

I personally love doing volunteer work. Not everyone is as fortunate as us so while we are more enabled, why not do something for those less privileged. From young, I was brought up in a family where we always find opportunity to do something for the community. As a child, I followed my mother to distribute used books at a distribution centre to other children whom cannot afford to get school text books and other reference books. During my school days, I did volunteer work at student care centres, helping young children with their school work.

Today was a special day for the members of the day care centre. It's their quarterly get together session and I went in early in the morning with the other volunteers to the daycare centre to decorate and setup the place. Because I love taking photos, I am being tasked to take photos for the event, while volunteers took up various station master roles for elderly to play games and collect free goodie bag.

As the elderly arrived, we helped and ushered them to the gathering point then subsequently split them into groups to be dispatched to the various activity booth setup for them. Each of the elderly came with a smile and can't wait to start the day. All of them actively participate in the activity we planned for them and I can clearly see they were having loads of fun. They were even encouraging each other when they were playing the games, a really pleasing sight to witness.

Upon completion of the activities, they elderly gathered within the daycare centre. A few of my fellow volunteers, came to the front and lead them in a mass group light exercise which the elderly enjoyed. These exercise help improve joint mobility and loosen up all the tight muscles to improve blood circulation.

The day ended with a goodie bag collection and the elderly bid farewell to one another and to us. A simple day of activity to help them stay active and interact with one another instead of living in isolation.

Photos of the volunteering event is as showed below (images are blurred to protect the identities of the elderly):

Gathering Before Event Start

Station Games 1

Station Games 2

Mass Exercise Session

Why Volunteer?
While this is a simple event at a daycare centre, there is much joy to both the participating elder and also the volunteers.

Time properly spent can be really fulfilling and that is what motivates me to volunteer and serve the community. Instead of soaking myself with social media junk, spending time volunteering, hearing the laughter and seeing their smiles of the elderly really makes my day. While I give up some of my time to do volunteering, the intangible reward that comes with it is priceless. If my time spent, can bring hope and joy to the elderly whom are living alone and prevent them from living in solitude, it is well worth. And drawing back to the prompt, refugees are living in a place where it is not their home, having people spend time with them and trying to help them will bring them hope and joy as well.

Another thing that I always believe is that when you do something for others such as a word of encouragement and a little assistance to help them get back on their feet, this will create a ripple effect where they will do the same to others in the future.

A side benefit is that, by volunteering, you will grow in your self awareness and develop greater perspective of things due to the interactions and also handling some tougher situations from a volunteer perspective.

In today's busy context, many of us will find that we somehow is lacking of time is many aspects. But I challenge you to just find that little bit of time of about 3 hours in a weekend and do some volunteer work. I am certain you will find yourself transformed when doing so and you will be addicted to keep coming back to volunteer.

Have a great weekend!


Nice one on giving back to community.


@vaynard86! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @houhou. (1/5)


your ears will be in for a horrible treat if you going to listen to me sing

But you don't have to sing tho. Isn't part of the rock band just playing the instruments


unfortunately, i cant play instruments too. so it will also be a horrible treat too =P


Providing a helping hand without any benefit is one of the most noble actions of human beings. Greetings and happy weekend ☺️


Seeing the smile on those people we help is priceless. thanks for coming by and have a great weekend!


It was a pleasure. Excellent weekend for you too. Greetings ☺️


I'm glad you didn't decide to be a rock star hahahahahah, giving a grain of sand for those who are most disadvantaged is a very nice way to live, how nice that your whole life has revolved around helping those most in need and now the elderly who need us so much, I wish you strength, time and many blessings to continue doing this beautiful work, greetings.


Thank you for your well wishes. Somehow when I start doing volunteer work, it is very addictive and I will always be looking forward to the next session and opportunity. And I also hope that the ripple effect will really inspire others to give back to the community as well.


I also wish for a domino effect of people who also take pleasure in helping others, it must be a great feeling you experience.


yes! hope many more people will get involved in volunteering their time and bring hope and joy to many other people in their community.
