Rising Star Journal - Road to Fans Millionaire #64

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Greetings everyone, how is everybody doing this week? It's the start of May, which means there will be new cards being added to the packs. So it's definitely time to grab some packs today and increase my collection. So before we head to the packs purchase, I will be sharing about my playing time and also the sharing of what I've manage to get in my packs in terms of the stats added to my collection.


Playing Time
Compared to last week which I managed to get a rest, this week was a little busier with some datelines to meet. I still get sufficient time to play the game to earn more starbits. Ego went off hand for a few times, which probably signifies that my skill level is on the tipping scales and will easily lost control when more than 1000 drunk fans are being added. So definitely more music lessons needs to be done which will need more StarPro. My current StarPro amount is on the low side, so definitely I will need to burn some of my Starbits in Music Promoter or swap it using liquidity pools.

Pro Mode (New Challenge to Self)
At this moment, I am still monitoring the market and eyeballing the card that will help me to sufficient copies of them in order to blend them into a PRO card. And I will need both the Pro Character and the Pro Instrument. Not gonna be easy, just need to keep earning and snap them up when the price is right. Hoping one day, I can also be a rising star and release an album.


My favourite segment of the game. The one that makes me wanna go click at the fastest moment whenever the pink dancing icon goes off. This is like a must play for all players, if you haven't or have not own a FA card, get a few copies off the market and participate in the raves. Nice rewards await you!


StarPro Rate Monitoring
StarPro now becomes a really important currency for the game because the advance features and even music lessons will require StarPro. And that is why it is important to monitor the rate of it so that we do not overspend trying to get it. At this moment here is how STARPRO obtaining look like from Liquidity Pool and from Music Promoter:

Liquidity Pool


Music Promoter


Looks like the liquidity pool option is really good so time to do some swaps and prepare some StarPro liquidity. The rate is almost like a 40% better, if you are needing StarPro, the time is now!


Current Game Stats


Player Rank: 316
Unique Cards Owned: 576
Fan Club: FC1

Pack Opening
I have to say this week's pull is very well balanced, especially with the tour coach that did not have skill but was further made up when I pulled 3 rapper cards whom supplied sufficient skills so that my stats do not go lop sided with the tour bus added a tonne of fans. While I didn't manage to pull any Epic or Legendary, still a rather good pack pull for this week and many beautiful new cards.


Stats gained


After thoughts
My supplies of StarPro is getting, definitely I need to ensure I get more so as to be able to do Music Lessons, Promote Fan Club and many more. I am also aiming to release a single so time to get a Pro Artist and Pro Instrument soon!

Calling out to other players whom are not collecting guitar, if you have guitars that you want to trade, do let me know in the comments if you have any guitar to trade. I will have plenty of other instruments ready to trade.

See you next update!

Join Me
If you haven't start playing Rising Star, you can join me via this link below:



I am currently part of PIZZA, an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain and part of PIZZA guild. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed in this community.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

