A classic science fiction film of 1988 - One of the most interesting fantasy stories.


A classic science fiction film of 1988 - One of the most interesting fantasy stories.

Hello everyone, today in this hive blog post i will try to present a review of a spectacular film that i have watched for a long time - more precisely, during my childhood. I hope you enjoy - enjoy🍺🍻 your time🙋

The film i will present is called "They Live" and is a science fiction film published since 1988 - a superb artistic creation, directed by John Carpenter.

Ok, so the script of the film presents a hidden truth in front of everyone's eyes - but, all in a more fantastic scientific way. To find out what i mean - just be patient and try to move on by reading the rest of this blog post.

Ok, so i saw the movie many years ago ( I was a little child), and i liked it a lot, feeling since then that it is a special one, which hides many truths. Finally, over time i began to understand what the author of the script wanted to present to us, or at least that's what i think the message would be - the quasi-total control to which we are subjected + the subliminal information with which we are constantly bombarded + the hypnotic effect of TV + mass- lying and manipulative media + possibly many many others.

Yep, nowadays there is a lot of talk about the new world order, globalization - it's pretty obvious what's happening all over the world. The message of the film sublimely conveys that awareness of the types of manipulative actions.

From my point of view, almost all science fiction films are made for humanity to wake up...or better said, to learn about certain alternative futures that can happen. Yep, but all in a sublim way.

Ok, just look at the little summary of this creation.

They Live is the story of an ordinary man named John Nada, who one day like any other finds a strange pair of glasses, with which he can see the true face of people. Many people in the town are actually aliens from the planet Andromeda, and have become important members of our society. Nada must find the other people who know what's going on, and join them in the fight against the alien creatures. He embarks on a "crusade" in an attempt to stop and destroy these invaders, who are responsible for the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane with which they hope to transform the earth's atmosphere into one favorable to them.

A film that i remembered and of course i wanted to see it again with pleasure. I recommend it with confidence - it's really worth your time even at the moment...and that's because it offers a very special atmosphere - the kind of atmosphere that announces something special. From my point of view it is a cult film, very cleverly made for 1988.

At first glance, the film looks like an ordinary science fiction, but it's more than that ~ it's a satire on modern society, on the elites, on the leaders of this planet.

However, if we go by the movie script - how would it be like to wake up in one morning and find that what you thought was real is not!? Hmmm....Let's hope we don't get to that level.
