Weaken + Redemption+ Rebirth + Scavenger Combo | A Deadly Close Call Battle


There are different kind of strategy/ battles going on that are really amazing to behold, some amazing combo that are really yet to be made opening, not having complete levelled up monster cards or not playing in the higher max deck put some limitation to things we can really imagined until we check out what other players are really playing to know what is actually going on in the splinterlands world. Battling in the lower league really limit lot of things especially preventing lower league users to see how amazing some cards can really performed especially with those amazing abilities so I preferred enjoying watching them when the extra ordinary ones is been shared and also love talking about it, who knows, someone might learn one or two from it and put it in their own strategy.


Have actually witness seeing this 3 ability in battles separately but never have I tried or witness seeing this 3 abilities together in one battle combo, like when I saw this battle with the rule set given, I was just amazed and really curious to see how this battle will really play out.

Weaken reduces all opponent monster cards health with -1 and cant b more than that

Redemption using this ability is really interesting because when this cards got destroyed, it dealt -1 damage to all the opponent monster cards, this damage always follow the melee damage rule which means it doesn't affect the health if there is an amour present.

Scavenger gives the monster with the ability extra 1 health anytime a monster card got destroyed.

Lastly is the Rebirth ability which is really new and rarely used since it is attacked to runi cards except there is a rule set with Rebirth. When this card with this ability dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health.

Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 22.33.09.png

battle link

@zaku dropped one of his amazing battle as usual and to be honest, that guy is one of the top players with some amazing strategy that is even beyond my imaginations at times, the way he combine and strategise at times look as if he is one robot that can tell how a battle will play out and what to actually use. What make this particular battle interesting is that little league rule set which only allow 4 or less mana card in battle which the last I checked, 4 or less mana capped cards always have low health which do make them die easily, to make the matter worst, there is also noxious fumes rule set which poison all cards each round and lastly is the rebirth, with the mana 20 mana capped given and also they could select between earth and death element. They both use same death element with the same summoner Thaddius Brood and also use almost the same monster cards with put in different positon.

Level 10 Cursed Slimeball with the redemption ability even though the cards is weak in stats, Veneri Spellsmith then Life Sapper, this 3 all have the redemption ability with Rebirth, then Darkest mage with the affliction and rust abillity, then Undead priest with Doctor Blight both have 2 weaken ability, also blight with scavenger. Rounding up this battle to 3 redemption, 2 weaken, 1 scavenger and all rebirth ability. This kind abilities is really scary because I knew the battle wont be long since they all will die quickly. Activating the abilities on the opponent really put most of the cards to 1 health and they all keep destroying each other while they all spawn back to life one more time, the battle was really interesting until Riftwing (on opponent stand) and Doctor Blight remain the last one sanding and zaku might have lost the battle only if Rigtwing have some attacking strength but as a non-attacking monster cards jeopardize everything and put him in a disadvantage and he got destroyed easily. It was really amazing to watch.

