Underestimating Gobson Bomber In Battle | The Shocking Revealing

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The rate at which they season usually end now it always look like the countdown is on speed mode because it seem the season just start yesterday and it is almost over with 17 hours left but with so many things to look out for, this season have been a new turn and with lot of practice in the modern ranked section just in preparation for the next big update which is the introduction of wild pass for the wild format which means players have to play certain fee every start of the season to be able to play wild format, if you can't pay that means you have to scratch wild and focus on modern, so I have to just try and perfect my strategy first of all or else I might be beaten blue black when next season fully start.

It is the time for the weekly battle mage challenge and the team for the week is the lost legendaries rule set which means no legendary monster cards will be allow in the battle, this is one of the common ruleset that I do see most of the time and it is really fun creating a strategy for it, since we can use legendary cards, I do make sure I use some cards with good health stat and strength especially magic cards. Let take a look at one of the 47 mana capped battle I had with Ragnar, we had two ruleset which were lost legendaries (the main ruleset) and target practice which give both magic and range cards the snipe ability and we could picked from any element except fire and dragon element, on a norms if I'm playing wild format, I always go big on death element when ever I have this ruleset but since this is modern format, I figured out gladiators are always good in this particular format and since I always use my glint to build up my constrict summoners, I decided to pick life element in this battle.

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battle link

Since I always need a strong fronline, I decided to use Imperial Knight because of the void armour and it can heal, then I use a martyr ability card Venari marksrat right next to it and placed Captain katie with the bloodlust and snipe abilities next to it, once the martyr get activated katie will be deadly, because of the streghten and triage ability, I decided to use Djinn renova then Gobson bomber which is also deadly and lastly was prismologist. Submitted my battle and I was shocked with his selection, he knew the logic and brought in a gladius card also which is Quora and also paired it with a martyr cards to make it stronger, I was scared at that point that I might actually lose this particular battle.

The battle started and at some point, he destroy my marksrat and got the martyr activated which make Katie stronger and I did the same to him, he would destroy my cards If I didn't bomber which dealt 9 damage to his quora gladiator and destroy it, that gave me some peace of mind and extra advantage over him, then he destroy my katie too. Using Prismologist was a good idea especially with the blast which add extra damage to the whole situation and make the battle more interesting, With the Target practice, it prevent me from attacking his frontline which was arkemis, the bomber with the piercing keep doing wonder and destroying his card till I won free and fair with 4 of my cards still standing strong. What do you see to this strategy?


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Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!

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