The Incoming Mega Tournament | 6th Splinterland Anniversary


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Finally the splinterland anniversary announcement post is out and it is really amazing to read, I was in a discord group where someone was discussing about a grand mega tournament, I was somehow confused especially after seeing the prizes attached to it, not really a fan of tournament because the higher the tournament prize, the harder the tournament will be since it will attract more tough and full deck players, they all want the juicy rewards so I just stop viewing that section and focus on other things. Splinterland have really. come a long way, still staying strong after 6year years is really a long time achievement, I know some couple of games that came into existence after splinterland especially during the bull market era that are now in extinction or in shitty mode now, even people who invested in them are really regretting because they can't even play those game anymore.

So far in 6 year, there have been different cards edition from Alpha, beta to rebellion in various prices, the land update and lot more yet we are still waiting for more bigger update like boss battle, more card skin and now I really hoping to see how housing aspect will be, as usual it will be really interesting. To join the 6th anniversay celebration, there is a twitter giveaway regarding the celebration where users can share their memory about the game based on their gameplay in battles, their cards achievement, tournament skills, art and craft and so on, you can share all this achievement and art work by using the hashtag #ageofthebattlemage on your tweet and you will be able to see what other players shared and not that alone, there are about 335 rebellion booster packs which will be given to 120 lucky winners randomly to take part in liking, sharing and commenting on the anniversary tweet post, I know many will surely be looking out for this, it will be running till may 31st and you need to share, like and comment on the post within 48hours before it elapse.


To end the whole anniversary celebration, there will be a mega tournament which will come up on the 31st, this will be a big one and with the look of things, there will be top players present since there is a massive jackpot of 1million dec in prize attached to it as reward among other prizes which is listed below

1st Place: Runi + 5 Plots + 1,000,000 DEC
2nd Place: Runi + 4 Plots + 500,000 DEC
3rd Place: 4 Plots + 45,000 DEC
4th-10th Place: 1 Plot + 20,000 DEC
11th to 47th Place: 7,000 DEC + 2 Rebellion Packs
48th to 61st Place: 4,000 DEC + 1 Rebellion Pack
62nd to 138th Place: 1 Rebellion Pack

With the prizes, taking the first position and winning that jackpot will won't be that easy, with what I'm seeing, it will really be nice if there is a streaming section, watching the whole battle and seeing how people move up the leaderboard will be so fun. It is an open tournament and anyone interested can join as long as you have the require deck to play the game. This will surely be the talk of the moment while everyone is looking forward to the D day, see you on the 31st.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'd love to take part but there's no way I'm filling out KYC lol
