How to Add Liquidity to pHBD-USDC pool on PolyCUB Farms



DeFi investors and Hive users are getting bullish about providing liquidity in the pHBD-USDC pool on PolyCUB. It is exciting that the pHBD liquidity has surpassed the $306,439 pool size mark and heading towards 500k, then $1 million and more.

Yesterday's clarification post by @LeoFinance on the backing of pHBD by HBD on 1:1 ratio did justice to giving clarifications on the risks associated with staking pHBD-USDC and how it serves a win-win deal with 50% of HBD wrapped into Polygon being saved on Hive for the 20% savings interest to add to the PolyCUB revenue vault.

It is obvious that Hive users are seeing the need to provide liquidity to pHBD to maximize the high APY that providing liquidity on pHBD-USDC pays. I explained Four (4) salient reasons every Hive suer should stake pHBD-USDC and I hope that will give assurances to as many who are indecisive about staking pHBD-USDC.

With the many users coming into staking pHBD-USDC, it is important to make tutorials and guides to getting that done quite handy, thus, the need for this post which seeks to show how to add liquidity to pHBD-USDC pool on PolyCUB farm. Anyone (Hive user in particular) that wants to use this guide might want to first know how to wrap HBD into pHBD. Before we go into the tutorial, here are a few links that will be very useful.

How to Add Liquidity to pHBD-USDC pool on PolyCUB Farms

It is assumed that the user would have first wrapped HBD into pHBD and thus is seeking how to provide liquidity to the pHBD-USDC pool.

    1. Import pHBD in your MetaMask Wallet with the contract address: 0x6d969cea201e427d2875724fd4e8044833fbc7f4



    1. Swap 50% of your pHBD to USDC here. Click on Approve pHBD first, then "Confirm".


    1. Approve volume of pHBD and USDC here. Click on Approve USDC first, then "Add Liquidity"


  • 5 Confirm Supply



    1. Confirm amount of pHBD-USDC to stake


The above Seven (7) simple steps, you can add your liquidity to the pHBD-USDC pool in few minutes.

I hope the above guide helps you to seamlessly provide liquidity to the pHBD-USDC pool on PolyCUB and start earning high APY.

Learn more about POLYCUB - the Best Sustainable DeFi?

These posts would be of benefit in explaining more on the DeFi 2.0 pioneered in PolyCUB and how it plays out as a game-changer in the DeFi space, optimizing yield and serving long term decent profits to investors. They are:


Are you yet a part of this fast evolving change in the cryptocurrency industry. The earlier the better!


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I am a called teacher, a serial entrepreneur and a Graduate of Agricultural Engineering. Nigeria is my root and a place full of opportunities. I dropped out of a Master's Degree program due to funds, yet I do not regret growing the courage to start my business from the scratch. Today, I've built layers of Businesses on the Hive blockchain in terms of Curation and it's a sustainable passive way of earning crypto while learning.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
