The First Existence of an Unexpected Child

We have a calm weather for today, it started raining at 3:30 a.m after I took hubby to the waiting shed. His cousin don't want to be late in their duty. I'd stay awake and wait for his call until he arrive in Manila. After he had accidents I am no longer complacent when he travels. I was able to return to sleep at six a.m then at 7:30 hubby called again to check if im awake. The biggest relief is he told me that he slept well. Their shift already change, after two months of sleepless night his on day shift again.


My post for today is a birthday of my niece daughter. She's also a young mother like me so I called it unexpected. Her mother had a sad story, which leads her to rebel. When she was a month old her mother left her because of no reason. His father, my husband's older brother has no path in becoming a good father. So... Before hitting her 18th birthday she got pregnant with this lovely baby girl Mae-Mae. They even wanted to get rid of it but Mariel may not overcome the process. So at first they hid to everybody but of course her tummy will surely got big and everyone will surely noticed it.

They talked with the fathers child but I think they don't want it to get involved. My sister in law shoulder all the expenses needed from check-ups until to giving birth. She didn't expect that Mariel will also become a young mom. But it's already here and beside she was the bundle of joy of the family. Time is so fast it's like yesterday that we celebrate her baptism and now she's a year old.


Ria often visit her brother JJ my complicated son. When he was baby; hubby got sick my sister in law grab the opportunity to borrow our son. And that time he want my son to permanently live in my in-laws house. She even want to legally adopt it but my husband didn't agree. My sister in law is older than me, an ofw. She prioritize her family rather than finding her own happiness. She is kind, generous and helpful.




And last week we celebrated Mae-Mae's first blessed birthday. My mother in law is also wearing pink t-shirt, they looked like a couple. She can't hide her happiness being a proud grandmother. How many kids she already held in her arms; her own children. Her grandchildren and now her grand grand children. I don't know how it feels but I'm also a mother so I know how it feels to take care of a innocents one.





Delicious Foods that are waiting for us




It was a simple and memorable celebration but it couldn't hide Mae-Mae's happiness. Her mom Mariel is now working on foster foods corporation as a factory worker. She wants to help her auntie on the expenses.



Thank you for reading
XoXo, @usagigallardo015

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