Caring from The Heart.


I'm going to start with this popular quote

train up a child in the way he should go so that when he is old, he shall not depart from it.

Yes I know it's a Bible verse but it is said amongst all.
The reason I started with that is because of the topic of discussion in the hive learners community. We were asked to air out our opinion on if it is proper for a child to be brought up by parents with the mindset that "I am taking care of you now so that when I am old you will have to take care of me too".



Firstly , I will start by saying a child is to take care of his/her parents when they are old and feeble but the fact that they are trained or brought up with a mentality that "I am doing this for you and expect you to return it later in the future" is what's wrong.


Why you may ask...
Well, there are several reasons why it is not good for that kind of upbringing.
One of the reasons is that they will begin to feel that they are not loved. Just imagine I say you are a friend and when I ask for your help, you accept but then you say that it's because you will also need my help again in the future and that's the only reason you are helping. Well to me, I will already know where I stand in your life and that we aren't friends atall probably just acquittance and if I can feel that way to a friend, how must else for a blood that always rings it in my head that I am just taking care of you because you must take care of me in the future.
If caution is not taken, that household is likely to scatter or will indirectly be turned to a market place where there's always an exchange for any service that's rendered. This will not only affect them in the home but even when they go outside, they will always be expecting a return for their services and they can possibly seize to help anyone if they know you won't be able to reciprocate in one way or another.

My choice of topic tells it all. If there's so much love in the family, the children will take it up as a responsibility and not an obligation to care for their parents when they are old either they have surplus or not. You can always get tired and frustrated from performing an obligation but taking responsibility comes from a place of love and care and because you want to do it and not have to do it. A place where you do things not because you have (of course you definitely have to) but because you want to.
Training up a child is risky but you can never get it wrong when you train them with love and prayers.

So guys, this is my take on the topic. The comment section is open to your thoughts on this. I await your comments.

Untill we meet again,
Keep buzzing 🐝🐝🐝


0.00347078 BEE

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0.00000419 BEE

I think you're spot on when you say that training up a child in love and prayers is the way to go.

It's not about creating a sense of duty, but about nurturing a sense of love and responsibility.

And when we do that, our kids will be more likely to care for us when we're old and feeble because they genuinely want to, not just because they feel obligated.

Thank you for sharing

0E-8 BEE

You got it πŸ’―.

I think I made a mistake with my posts and mixed things up. I have corrected it though

Thanks for stopping by ma'am and what a lovely addition

0E-8 BEE

For where you said "I am doing this for you and expect you to return later in the future", like seriously if my parents uttered that statement I would feel unloved because if truly they love me they wouldn't utter the statement, that when I would take it as an obligation, not a responsibility.

0E-8 BEE

I will simply just pull off. Reducey stay at home and avoid being a burden if they say something like that.

To avoid any issue like that

0E-8 BEE

I for one agree that our parent should expect that we should reciprocate the love, care and all when it's time. But doing it all only to get the ROI is wrong, that idea is wrong. Bringing a child to the world is enough reason to care for such child.

If there's so much love in the family, the children will take it up as a responsibility and not an obligation to care for their parents when they are old either they have surplus or not

Absolutely, it's the love from parent to child and vice versa that would make it easy and natural to take it as a responsibility and duty to care for parents especially at old age.

0E-8 BEE

Exactly ooo

There's nothing absolutely nothing you can't do for the one you love.

Thanks for stopping by boss

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome cheifπŸ‘

0.00000415 BEE